Saturday, 27 February 2021

Eternity's Time

You know recently I've think I've come to understand what this particular verse means: 

Ecclesiastes 3:11
[11] He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that Elohim does from beginning to end.

Recently, I think since this month began and now it's already ending there's just this feeling of eternity in me in everything that I do. I'm not quite sure how to write it down so that the reader may understand but it's like everything I'm doing, everything I'm going through and everyday that passes by is measured to the scale of eternity. I remember that when I first began to serve that I always dreaded the time of work because I know I will be needed to doing heavy duty jobs like cutting the grass or going up the mountain in search of durian fruits in its season and times but now when I put them against the backdrop of eternity all this feelings of dreading the time are gone. Instead there is contentment, there is peace and there is actually anticipation in what I'm going to do for that day. I just found that my time is not limited to 24 hours or to 7 days a week but instead I have eternity to enjoy right now. Not to say that I become slack in what I'm doing since I have this revelation or clarity of the Word, but rather I found that the hard, arduous work or even the tedious things that needed to be done aren't as weighty on me as they once have been for a long time. I found myself free to enjoy the presence of Yahweh and the communion of His Spirit daily whenever I work and do things or even do nothing, the time just flies away like a midsummer's dream. 

The days are going past very quickly now and it is pertinent to say that I am enjoying each and every single one of it. Sure, there are times when it's not all rainbows and sunshine. There are times where I must weather the storms of life and times where it feels like all the waves and billows are crushing me under their immense pressure but praise Yahweh that each and every time that it has come nigh unto me He has faithfully brought me out of them all. And now looking back I truly see that all things work together for good to those who love Elohim and are the called according to His purposes. How great, how marvellous indeed. Thank you Lord Yeshua. 

-Sunday, 28th February 2021, 5 years 5 months 21 days, 0242

Monday, 15 February 2021


Right now we're halfway through with our 48th National Prayer and Intercessors' Advance themed Ruling With Christ Over Nations and everyday there has been a great move of the Holy Spirit. Particularly during the daytime sessions from 9am - 5pm, everyday perhaps the most common thing that has happened throughout these past 5 days was that there has been a release of such expansive peace and shalom and also the mantle of prayer and intercession that has been released alongside it. Everyday it seems that we are hardly doing anything except to wait upon Yahweh, to receive, to pray and give thanks and to continue to receive after all that. 

Of course getting used to the long hours for the first few times was a bit challenging but now the time really breezes past really quickly and soon enough it's evening already and soon after night time. The days are proceeding faster than I anticipated and I am glad that I can enjoy this time of waiting in His presence continually. More than just doing nothing, more than just closing my eyes to rest, it's an active and conscious waiting to receive something great whenever we do so. 

Throughout this advance I see the main theme really is to rule over nations in prayer because in this past few days the nations have been taking every opportunity to pray and to intercede and to join the call of prayer and testimony. Truly the Holy Spirit is moving and that whatever we do as we believe then the Lord does confirm the words of His servants. Prayer is really powerful, as you believe and continue to believe that whatever you prayed for knowing that it is in the will of Elohim it will come to you as many a times it has towards me. 

-Tuesday, 16th February 2021, 5 years 5 months 9 days, 1516