Friday, 9 September 2016

One Year's Time

It's been almost a week since I had last written. And it's been almost 2 days since I had begun my journey in Yahweh on the 7th of September 2015. A year has flown by and are things continuing its brisk pace even to the coming of our Lord Yeshua Messiah. I have come far but yet there remains quite the road ahead of me. I have yet to dive into the deeper waters of Yahweh's purpose for me. What I have learned is good and all, what I have seen and done is indeed exhilarating but there are yet much more to be revealed to me. For me to experience so much in such a short span of time is indeed a blessing I count myself privileged to receive and partake of. It's one thing to receive the gift, wrappings and all; it is another thing entirely to open the box and enjoy the present inside. Praise Yeshua!

As I look at my life now there are portions of it that are blossoming into the fullness it was meant for, others are still under maintenance and pruning. Others still have yet to begin however it is not of me, thankfully. If it was me I'd never get anywhere or anything done. But this is the work of the Holy Spirit. As He Who begun the good work within me, so is He faithful to see to its completion and perfection. Revelations revealed, friendships formed, closer knitting together with Yahweh and His people, signs and wonders. All these are but mere samples to the greater more abundant things to come for me.

It truly is amazing to see the hand of Elohim upon me since day one up until this very point in time. Truly Yahweh is He Who neither sleeps nor slumbers. He Who keeps me does not slumber. And now He is working faster and more fuller in a sense. Though the road grows narrower by the day, yet it becomes all the more liberating. Shake up or shake out as they say. New faces, old faces. Everything is coming full circle and it should ever so since the Day of the Lord fast approaches. In fact, it is nearer then when we first perceived. All in all I can see that Yeshua's fullness fills all in all. Praise Yahweh for that.

Onward and upward!

-Friday, 9th September 2016, 1 year 2 days, 1936

Friday, 2 September 2016


Wow. It's been far too long since I had last written and how I have things to speak.

I truly praise Yahweh that in all things He is in control and that He has given me the privilege to go through them for my betterment. This seminar 'Living the Heavenly Life' was once that was filled with unexpected turns. Turns that I had long since overlooked but now return to roundhouse me. Surely I felt the kick in this seminar and that kick was truly what was called for. The main breakthrough that I had been graciously given is one of personal perception on the progressive revelation of Yeshua Messiah in my life. In other words, Yahweh caused me to see beyond the 'now' into what will be. He opened my eyes to see that my actions hold repercussions for the imminent or distant future. What I say, what I do, what I give, what I take is all jotted down and held accountable unto myself. Every action I take I can see its progress in that particular direction. And yet it ties into the main progress of the Christian walk of faith in Messiah. Do you get me? Because I didn't get that.

Maybe an analogy given to me might help: Our walk with Elohim is one large rushing river of water. In that river there are three distinct things to note: the fish of the river, though different in colour are of the same species and kind; the rocks on the riverbed, which are all distinct and varying in size and roughage; and the river currents which turn the fishes here and there. We are the fishes, our experiences and what we go through are the rocks and our personal walk with Yahweh are the river currents. Every fish swims in the same large flowing river but every fish do not see the same things. The rocks which are all differing and the water currents which turns whatsoever fish that swims into it here and there. It's the same with what Yahweh has revealed to me. Our personal walks with Elohim differs greatly one from another because each of us are fearfully and wonderfully custom made. There is no identical, only variance. As such what I might consider a trouble might be considered as baby paste to another. And what one might consider a burden I count it my pleasure. I'm not saying anyone in particular, just giving an example here.

The path we take is an ancient path since the beginning of creation until the return of our Lord and Saviour Yeshua Messiah. Every bona fide son of Elohim has walked this same path of faith in faith towards Elohim through Messiah. However our experiences varies from person to person. It's like seeing a mountain from different viewpoints. It's the same mountain, only viewed and climbed from different ways. Such was revealed to me by Yahweh, I do hope you were able to wrap your head around what I'm trying to say. Because I'm finding it difficult to put into words right now.

Thus He has caused me to see and I must say, it is a sight that humbles one such as myself. For all the blessings that He has given me I am seeing them in a new light that truly it was nothing and can be nothing of myself. I was the least deserving of all these blessings and yet they found a way to come to me. It really puts me in a pickle. Where I go I know I shall be a blessing however that blessing doesn't come from me going of my own volition. It's like I'm just there for the ride and Yahweh has loved me greatly to show me the things He has in store for me in Himself. In the right place at the right time to see what I was required to see by Elohim and go through the works He had prepared beforehand. Despite that I know Yahweh holds no personal favouritism to any man, I am surely the most blessed one. Not because of myself but because He loves me. Praise Yahweh! Truly.

-Saturday, 3rd September 2016, 11 months 27 days, 0435