So once more we've come to the end of yet another month and I really am amazed at how fast the time just flew. Many peoples are applying leave to seek Yahweh and to fast which leaves little room to manoeuvre but praise Yahweh that at the end of the day the work of Elohim continues not by might, nor by power but by His Spirit He empowers and sustains each and every one of us; both those who are on the field and those taking the watches. The great testimony is that while there is so few of us, the place is yet managed and perhaps at a greater and more consistent pace and the watches though may seem daunting are taken with joy and pleasure and that leaves no room for anything else to enter.
I personally always find it such a pleasure to take the watches because I know that that is the time allotted me to meet with the Lord Yeshua Messiah in His presence and to minister to Him as He does to me. Though sometimes I may come in tired or exhausted, always without fail He will strengthen and refresh me because I realise that that is just what the presence of Yahweh does to someone when they soak themselves continually in it. Even when I don't want to be refreshed He refreshes me still. Praise Yahweh for that.
Anyways, we are about to enter a new month and this time around I find that it is my time to seek Yahweh. Aha! But I have no concern for those who continue because I know that the same Lord is compassionate on all who call upon Him. So I know truly that the Lord Yeshua is and will raise up others besides me to manage and keep His good place until my leave is over. And besides it's only for a few days and not over the course of weeks. In the blink of an eye it will begin and it will be finished Elohim willing. But am I looking forward to that time. For now I think it best we set our sights on what is before us. We may make plans but Yahweh directs the steps of a man. In fact we do not know what tomorrow will even hold, let alone few weeks from now. It's best to focus on today while it is still called today and to set our sights upon the Lord Yeshua, the Author and Finisher of our faith. Praise Him.
-Friday, 29th March 2019, 3 years 6 months 22 days, 1834