Thursday 7 March 2019

The Path Ahead

It's been yet another week that's passed by and sure enough all of my previous duties and responsibilities have been reinstated back to me but now with much more room for improvement and growth into it.

Honestly at this moment in time there's not much to write about but the fact that everything that has happened this week only served to show that everything can end as abruptly and suddenly as it first began. There was a death metal band scheduled to perform in Singapore this week and they having landed there already were assured of performing but because we prayed and we took authority over this situation to not let them slide over they were banned by the government to ban as quickly as they had arrived. But on the other side of the coin of course there is warfare as well. Sister Justine inasmuch as she was beginning to recover passed away and went home to the Lord Yeshua.

Everything is happening so quickly that now it is time not to look for other things save to assure our salvation with fear and trembling. To rest our hope in the Messiah and to continue to walk humbly with our Elohim until the very end. This week has just been a reflection of all this and perhaps more so. The time is quickly moving now and everyone can perceive it easily than previous times, therefore it should be time to seek Yahweh while He may still be found and to call upon Him while He is near at hand.

With everyone taking leave either to fast or even to travel overseas shortly I found that the task of maintaining Glory Place doesn't fall on me but instead of man it is now in the hands of the living Elohim to maintain and keep and nurture His house and garden. Through the empowering of His Spirit He gives forth wisdom and strength to the stewards and sons of His house to take over and praise Yahweh that I see that happening. Though there are so few of us handling the farmlands yet there are slowly but surely being maintained not by might, nor by power but by the Spirit of Yahweh. Praise Yahweh for He has taken over.

Now is the time to focus on our walk with the Lord Yeshua. Now is the time to seek for His leading and guidance for His right way. Now is the time to wholly give yourself to Him because if not now then when?

-Friday, March 8 2019, 3 years 6 months 1 day, 0917

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