Saturday, 26 September 2015

Every Beginning

It's been 19 days since Yahweh called me out of the world to come and serve Him in His house. September 7th 2015 was when it began. It is amazing to witness the hand of Yahweh, that same hand that led the children of Israel out of Egypt upon me. Truly Elohim is gracious and merciful towards someone like me; stooped in sin and wallowing in the rubbish of this world. There are millions and billions of people much more capable than me and yet Yeshua; He had decided to give His inheritance to sinners, tax collectors, thieves, murderers, adulterers and the like. That they, including myself who were once dead in trespasses should be made alive once again through Messiah Yeshua by faith.

How awesome it is to serve in the house of Yahweh. The desire of David, to dwell in His house forever being fulfilled by us according to the Word of Elohim. To me, such things like prayer, worship, and such are not tedious but rather pleasurable. They bring joy and a refreshing touch to my wearied soul. After so long in the world, I am at last free from its shackles and yoke of iron. All glory to Yeshua for in Him is my redemption, the coming salvation of spirit, soul, and body.

My term of seeking Yahweh is coming to an end in a week's time. After that, my service begins. The true testing of faith, character and spirit is beginning very soon. Yahweh guides me, in this I will be confident.

-Saturday, 26th September 2015, Day 19, 1847

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