Saturday, 17 October 2015

1st Service - To Fear

There is a necessity for the fear of Yahweh to be upon us. Not the natural fear which drives the body into an adrenaline rush for the terror which is to befall someone, rather the fear and/ or the respect; the admonition that Elohim is our Father rather than our Judge, Jury, and Executioner. To say that there is no more need to fear is to contradict the Word of Elohim Himself in this. There are two types of fear, one of Elohim and the other contrary; the spirit of fear. 1 John 4:18 talks not about the casting out of the fear of Yahweh but rather the spirit of fear which is an unclean spirit. To begin with, do we 'cast out' the Spirit of Elohim or unclean spirits? To cast out is to forcefully revoke the rights of a spirit to dwell in us and hereby forcing it to leave our bodies. Besides, in the same verse that very fear which is to be cast out involves torment. Surely the fear of Yahweh which is also one of the 7 Spirits of Elohim mentioned in Revelation 5:6 does not involve torment in its administration.

It becomes clearer to me that we need to have not just the Word but the Presence of Elohim as well. Having been gifted this great privilege of not only learning the words of life, but to also experience the reality of the Kingdom of heaven through Yeshua Messiah; we ought to realise that without one or the other the revelation is incomplete. Without the Word, the Presence of Elohim becomes unfiltered and can be easily misinterpreted as a presence of unclean spirits. The Word acts as a filter, a discerner of thoughts and the light of illumination to the deep things and dark sayings of Yahweh; and how are we to discern with Whom we are experiencing unless saturated in His Word?

Likewise the Presence acts as though a battery to charge the torch of the Word of Elohim to give not just partial but a full and fuller still revelation. When Solomon brought the Ark of the Covenant back into the Most Holy Place, all that was left in it was the two tablets of Moses. The Law and the Presence of Yahweh remained where these two act as a balance and counterbalance for one another. Word alone means to experience 'logos' but together with the Presence, it brings about 'rhema'. The Holy Spirit gives light to the mysteries of the Gospel for who can reveal the deep things of Elohim but Elohim Himself?

Praise Yahweh for the revelations through which we gain better understanding of the mysteries of His Word. For it is the glory of Yahweh to conceal a matter, and the glory of kings to seek it out.

-Sunday, 18th October 2015, Month 2 Day 11, 0502

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