Friday, 16 October 2015

Recalling Past Mementos

It is simple moments like this that make me absolute in my decision to forsake everything and to serve Yahweh all the more truer. Overnight prayer at Semarak hadn't ended yet when we arrive but was still going strong. Because of the newly brought instrument from Vietnam which I reckon we will be see a lot of from henceforth: the Cajun (car-hon). A mini rhythm drum hand made by John from Vietnam, son of Pastor Sara. A new flavour has been added into the art of worship.

Truly, my life right now is in a state of utter joy and bliss. My soul rejoices in Messiah because I am free, and free indeed. There is nothing that holds me back, neither family nor friends. Hallelujah! Early in the morning at the mamak together with my parents, brother Koh, uncle Bak, and Jeremy; we discussed the absolute poverty of the rich. Though they have much, they have nothing. Grasping at straws truly the Word of Elohim reigns in all walks of life and is true and alive this day. But that wasn't what caught me up. Over on the other side there were a group of young adults, working class I reckon; hollering and partying like no other. I look and I beheld myself there with my old friends. Had I remained in the world, I would have been just like that. Reveling in the most simple of things, spewing words out for the sake of showing off, and just become a byword amongst other people.

It truly is the hand of the Messiah Yeshua outstretched towards me that He gave His life for someone of the least of the least like me. Truly, it is His grace and mercy that now I am free from the dictates of my self, the carnal flesh, and the system of this world. Praise you, Yeshua! I will not recall my friends, I will not stoop down to such a degrading level again. I have wasted enough time as it is on them. They walk contrary to the Word of Elohim, then they walk contrary with me. I will not have any part with them whatsoever anymore. Though I have this premonition that still one remains. Through his girlfriend he is beginning to see Yeshua. Perhaps someone like him I can afford to reach out to after all. Time will tell and it's only with the backing of Yahweh will I do thus. If no, then by all means let us continue further on the strait and narrow way. Praise Yahweh!

-Saturday, 17th October 2015, Month 2 Day 10, 0617

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