Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Try not

There is still much for me to learn here. It is unbecoming of me to think that I had surmounted to much in my first month. Though, yes there were breakthroughs and revelations given; there is this sense that there is much more to it than just these. Still waters run deep and the deep things of Elohim are very much deeper than what the world can offer. Let us continue.

With this, we conclude the first month of the giving up of my life to serve Yahweh full time in His house. Looking back, there was much learned but still more of the deeper things of Elohim to tap into. Thankfully, with the encouragement by Pastor Jean I now have the resolve to continue further without the worrying that I am not doing anything or otherwise. What I can see is all merely deception at the most and what cannot be seen is my real life, Yeshua Messiah the hope of glory in me. There is nothing I can do for Yahweh in that He has not already accomplished all through His Son on the cross for me. All that is left is to rest and receive, rejoice and enjoy the things which Elohim has prepared for me.

It does not matter if I am unable to meet the expectations or accomplishments of others now. Who am I to compare to or who can be compared to me? My only pattern is Yeshua and assuredly it is in Him alone that everything will work together for good. Though I am not saying that I will not give my best with whatsoever is given unto me to do, I am saying that my best amounts to little in the kingdom of Elohim. To ascend in His kingdom, I must cease and be still and give the Holy Spirit the opportunity to work in and through me. Thus, let's do so for it is not those who works much who are able to carry out great exploits in the name of Yahweh, but only those who know Him and the Son through Whom is our passage into eternal life.

-Wednesday, 14th October 2015, Day 37, 1744

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