Monday, 5 October 2015

Serving in the House

It's the first day on the job and I must say, it is grueling. What has been given me to do for the period of this month is to rebuild the fence around GP Mantin which has fallen down. Because of this many intruders particularly wild boars have been scavenging on our premise, guzzling down vegetation in the process. Thus, the work commenced and already I am feeling its aftershocks. Climbing up a steep incline while carrying burdensome loads sure makes a splendid first day. Nonetheless I give thanks for surely my own strength will have failed, but it is by the strength of Yahweh that we can carry on. For the joy of Yahweh is our strength.

My arms ache, but I am satisfied. For surely it is not man who calls me to do this. It is the Lord. So who am I, what right have I to complain against Yeshua Messiah concerning this matter when it was He who through the Spirit working in man gave me this job? Also, considering the strenuous labour of each day to come, the benefits far outweigh the negative. It is out on the field that we are truly tested, where our faith is really put through fire to see where our trust lies and in whom do we trust. I have found immense lessons just by rebuilding the fence: It is not the fences of man who protects this place but surely Yahweh who keeps and protects His house and people in it. Just like this Yeshua will once again build up the tabernacle of praise and worship, prayer and intercession; of David which has fallen down.

Ah, to taste and see that Yahweh is indeed good is so satisfying both to the spirit and to the body. Onward!

-Monday, 5th October 2015, Day 28, 2356

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