Sunday, 22 November 2015

Closure, and closure to the Finish

With this, the closing down, the shifting to and the finalising of Glory Place Petaling Jaya is all but settled. Matthew Han has informed us that tomorrow we who will be helping with the moving of furniture and the entourage from Glory Place Mantin, without excluding the lorry drivers will be the last group of people to lay our eyes on this former prayer house. To be honest, I don't feel an inkling of anything for this place. It has served Yahweh's purpose in His due time and season and now Yahweh is showing us the next step to take.

As for me, Matthew Han asked me something on which I am pondering on can seem profound in its own sense: where do you see yourself in 5, 10 years time? I am not a seer, Yahweh has seen my beginning to my end already. Yeshua has proclaimed Himself to be the Beginning and the End so why should I worry about something so trivial like where I see myself in 5 or 10 years time? Oftentimes we stress too much on ministry rather than ministering to Yahweh. When we minister to Yahweh first, when we seek His kingdom and Yeshua Messiah; the Righteousness of Elohim made flesh then everything else shall take care of itself. As priests we are called first to minister to our Elohim and then only unto men because how can we give something to others if we ourselves haven't got it? How can we bring people to the Messiah? By our faith? By our works? No for without a confirming action faith is likened as being dead; like unto mental agreement and not by works because works alone directs the glory given not to Yahweh but unto ourselves. Our lives lived by faith is also confirmed by the works we do testify whether we truly are dead in sins and trespasses or alive to Elohim through Messiah.

What I am beginning to wrap my head around is that Yeshua is the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and the Omega, the Author and Finisher of our faith. Surely He that begun a good work in us shall not cease until He sees the full dispensation of it manifest itself in our lives, becoming a testament to His glory. Yeshua has proclaimed to be both the starting line and finish line of our race so what is there to worry, what is there to turn back for? I am beginning to understand how Paul can say the sufferings of present times are not worthy to be compared with the glory soon to be revealed in us. It does not matter in the end what we face, who we face, whether we slip and tumble or fall and hurt ourselves. What matters is that every time there is a hurdle on our racetrack, we overcome it; jump over it and continue to the next one until we reach the end. Even if we fail to do so, who cries in the middle of a race? Get up, dust yourself off and jump, jump again until you overcome. All this for something so perishable like a trophy or a medal.

We strive for something imperishable, treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. Praise Yeshua for the full counsel of His Word that through it we receive the fullness of Elohim through Messiah. The End is in sight, and that Finish line is drawing nearer to us more so than we are sometimes to Him. Yeshua is coming quickly, and He said this 2000 years ago. How much more now? Let's run then.

-Monday, 23rd November 2015, 2 months 16 days, 0015


  1. Amen. This morning I couldn't sleep and the Yahweh tell me to go GPPJ for a prayer drive. I thought why and I asked Yahweh, why? Shouldn't I go to CRC and pray, why should I go to GPPJ? Yahweh says, GPPJ, so I went this morning and went 4 rounds of GPPJ. I prayed for peace and safety around 5am.

    Now having read what you have written, I can say Amen and Amen. The Lord who begun the good work in you is Faithful to complete it.

  2. Amen. This morning I couldn't sleep and the Yahweh tell me to go GPPJ for a prayer drive. I thought why and I asked Yahweh, why? Shouldn't I go to CRC and pray, why should I go to GPPJ? Yahweh says, GPPJ, so I went this morning and went 4 rounds of GPPJ. I prayed for peace and safety around 5am.

    Now having read what you have written, I can say Amen and Amen. The Lord who begun the good work in you is Faithful to complete it.
