Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Memoirs and Healing

Ugh, just recently I caught quite the infectious cold on Tuesday. Sneezing non stop, nose mucous hardening like a desert or alternatively melting like the ice caps without end, coughing and a dry throat, and most of all my strength and energy for the day sapped because of this. All because I decided to work slightly overtime in the rain. But praise be to Yahweh because of His loving kindness which are from of old, and to the Lord Yeshua Messiah for by His stripes, I was healed and made well. During the Wednesday Corporate Prayer Meeting's Holy Communion, I partook of the bread and the cup the same way I always do; in remembrance of what Yeshua did for me on the cross. How he bore all my sins and iniquities, sicknesses and diseases and how through that I received His righteousness and His wholeness, the perfection of the Son of Elohim. As I partook as usual, I was healed.

My strength returned! I was made new! Though the runny nose and the cough is still here by the time of this blog post it has already rapidly diminished from hours before. Before I could not even have reprieve before I would sneeze or cough again and again but now, I can breathe through my nose. Praise Yahweh that those who truly wait upon Him shall renew their strength given the take that I was trying to sleep during the prayer meeting. Truly His merciful kindness is great towards us and His truth endures forever.

To look at the seen only discourages me. In the natural, I have not been healed I still have the cough and runny nose but now as sons of Elohim we live in the unseen. In the supernatural I am made whole from the top of my head down to the tip of my toes. Now, all these 'symptoms' are nothing but like a picture to me. The devil's holding up a picture in front of me to remind me that I am still under him but the thing is: pictures can't hurt me! Though they may bring unpleasant memories, a picture is a thing of the past and soon enough, even pictures will rot away with time. It has no authority in the present neither the future, only the past. If we continue to live in the past we will always be confronted with very real pictures from satan. But we are not supposed to, we look at Yeshua, the Author and Finisher of our faith Who is also the Hope of glory. Hope does not disappoint but brings expectation of things to come and most certainly in the Lord are pleasures forevermore.

On another note, my worship is gradually gaining ground. May Yahweh continue to guide me so through His Holy Spirit. Of course there are times when I can't connect but then again; "In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths."

The night is far spent, soon the Sun if righteousness shall dawn upon me with healing in His wings. When that day fully comes, what a blessing it is to serve the true, living Elohim.

-Thursday, 19th November 2015, 2 months 12 days, 0032

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