Saturday, 14 November 2015

Rocky Road

Recently I am constantly being reminded that this road that I chose to walk is a difficult one and the gate which passes into eternal life is a narrow one. I find few like minded company on this road and I see that though there are remnants of people also walking the same said road, not all have truly counted the costs fully. Then again I think it is for the best that according to the mercy of Yahweh I did not meet anyone like minded with myself. I once had this picture painted for me: the road humanity walks is a large, broad stretch of asphalt; a highway if you will. Multitudes upon multitudes walk said highway but I have seen the end of the road. A sheer cliff which drops down into the Pit: Hell and many do not realise where they are headed until it is too late. Yet I see a narrow, slit of a way leading out of the highway. The narrow road is rocky, enough for one person to walk at a time, and lonely. Very, very few of the multitudes actually see that road and even fewer choose to walk such a difficult road such as this.

The narrow road ascends upwards, getting all the more narrower and steeper with every passing step. The road spirals around a massive Rock which becomes a Mountain which in turn leads to the heavens; the Heaven of heavens. As the road continues in order to remain on it and not fall off into the Abyss, one must cling to the Rock with all their might lest they slip and fall to their demise. On this road, it is much easier to slip and fall than it is to continue on your journey to the top. And if we do fall, the trek to return where you once faltered becomes a challenge in itself. Very few meet the King of the Mountain and even fewer enter His Kingdom. Only those who have left all, forsaken all even their lives in order to obtain that better country.

Sometimes I see myself on that sheer cliff, looking down at all the people on the highway; laughing and having a jolly good time. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to return, but I know that I can't return. Not ever again, given the choice I would flatly refuse for what awaits me down there is my demise. Yet as I look upwards I see this mighty Rock, and the glory of the Kingdom; its light for all men shining brightly. Beckoning the pilgrims to climb yet further, higher so that they may enter into the joy of their Master at the very end. Sometimes I look at people and their own personal trek upwards, some further ahead than me though younger than me. Some further behind than me though much older than me. Some even have only just begun. Where I stand I do not know but one thing I am grateful to Yeshua Messiah for is that in Him I am progressing, albeit step by step. The pace has been set for me and the Lord has called me to walk this path. How can I return when what awaits me at the top will overshadow all the trials, the afflictions I have endured, am enduring and will go through? Oh, Holy Spirit this is something no mere mortal man like me can do. Guide me for surely I know nothing, have nothing and am nothing without the Messiah. The journey before me looks daunting and yet, all I must do is to look at Yeshua. The mind seeks to wrap itself around what cannot be fathomed with human understanding and yet, I am beginning to be mindful of things unseen. Progression is key and is taking place. All glory to Yahweh Elohim my Heavenly Father!

-Saturday, 14th November 2015, 2 months 7 days, 2303

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