Friday, 25 December 2015

Catch-Up #2

2) Continuing where I left off, a lot has happened in the days to follow post Young People's Camp. I for one though having experienced the anointing for worship ironically was relieved of my duty to worship lead every Tuesday night due to my lack of judgement in certain matters. Well, I have my objections; such as why did Pastor Jean not take notice of others who played the same way I do and correct them as well? Is there a necessity of sorts to strictly follow the tempo and rhythm of the song even though it is incredulously fast for its own good? The anointing was there by the mercy of Yahweh and yet was there a need to do all these? Well, these are but trivial matters in the end. I am not a seer nor have I already attained to the full dispensation of my gifts. I choose to submit and listen because truthfully how many years have I been here on this earth? Have I seen as much as what Pastor Jean has seen or known? Certainly not, therefore she is in the right; somehow. Well, praise Elohim for this because it worked out well in two ways: i) Through my slip up the Holy Spirit was able to move mightily and bring us into the anointing for joy and laughter. ii) I am free now. Now I can receive much more since I am now on the receiving end of things from the Holy Spirit.

Well, praise Yeshua that all things has its due seasons. And the season for my term as worship leader has but momentarily been halted. No matter, it has only been 3 months since I decided to serve full-time, there are many, many more opportunities ahead of me; much greater than what I have just gone through. All in all, I thought I would be sour in this and yet, it is sweet to know the providence of Yahweh in that He provided me the grace to humble myself and submit. All glory goes to Him. Thank you Yahweh!

That pretty much sums up the previous 12 days, its major events to be precise. In the end, it is wonderful to see the hand if Yahweh upon me not because I am great or anything, but because of His great love towards someone like me. Hallelujah. May the year ahead be that much more sweeter than it is now. How wonderful it is to dwell in the house of Yahweh, His praises ever in my mouth. Just like the psalmist says: " My heart is inditing a good matter; I speak of the things which I have made touching the king; my tongue is the pen of a ready writer." (Psalms 45:1)

-Saturday, 26th December 2015, 3 months 19 days, 0512

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