Sunday, 27 December 2015

Bible Reading #1

Going through the Bible Reading 2015 at Glory Place; Prayer Centre of Malaysia, Mantin. It has been 4 and a half hours and we are at chapter 37 in the book of Genesis. What do I have to say about all these? Hmmmm...

As it is going on it is amazing to note a presence of tranquility has descended in the sanctuary. Outside it is softly drizzling and the inside is cool and holding a number of 30 something people or so. I expected many more, perhaps it is still to early to tell. But so far it is quite enjoyable. Particularly I am enjoying the presence of Elohim, the presence of peace here in the sanctuary.

The time of my timekeeping slot: the time where I ring the bell and dictate the length of each persons' reading, is at 2am - 4am. For this particular Bible reading I plan to take the nocturnal watch. Awake in the night watches and asleep during the day. It is possible since I have applied leave I have no field work to do to speak off besides the usual disposal of rubbish on Thursday. But it is a simple matter so it's fine. I am looking forward to the night more so because the day officially begins according to the Word of Elohim in the evening, so while men sleep the enemy might come to sow tares amongst the wheats but for these few days there will be watchmen; myself included on the walls, never holding their peace to Yahweh.

It also says in the Scriptures: "Mine eyes prevent the night watches, that I might meditate in thy word." (Psalms 119:148) And in this season I am glad I can see the Scriptures being fulfilled little by little everyday. On with the reading. Praise Yahweh!

-Monday, 28th December 2015, 3 months 21 days, 1543

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