Friday, 1 January 2016

2016: Year of the Spirit

Blessed new year! It is 2016, and I'm now 20. How fast time flies in the presence of Yahweh. It's been 3 glorious months and even though it has sometimes been up and down in the end, the sky is the limit. The upward call beckons me upwards and nothing will drag me down this year. No resolutions necessary, Yeshua has done all on the cross and it is the finished work that I have the privilege to rest in. This year if anything I desire to experience the full rest of Yahweh which He has prepared for me. Yes, rest is important. In the end without rest one cannot hope to continue. In fact, unless one rests in Yahweh then nothing can be done outside of Him. Take two people doing the same job for example, one is inferior to the other. The inferior one pushes his desire to work on the superior one and takes both their loads. He fizzles out. Same thing in the Christian walk, we take sometimes too much upon ourselves including what Elohim wants to do in and through us. The burden Yeshua has given us is not the entire world but His own which is light and easy, the cross; the way of self denial.

Truthfully, I am a man who delights in resting, whether physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. Rest is pleasant, after all in returning and rest I shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be my strength. In 2016 I know that this year is Yahweh's year, the year of the Holy Spirit. Thus, this year I desire to enter the full rest of Elohim, for He that enters into His rest has ceased from all their works. And when we stop, the Holy Spirit begins. When the self dies, the Spirit gives new life. So in the rest of Elohim is everything simply because Yeshua has done it all. "It is finished! It is done!" So if a work is completed, what does one do? Rest and receive.

Hallelujah! This is why I desire His rest, I see my brothers and sisters in Messiah struggling with straggling sins, I myself am not excluded yet. However the life in the Spirit is a natural life, no need to strain oneself to connect with Yahweh. Because why do you want to connect with your left hand; to move your fingers on it when it is already connected in the first place? Same thing, with Yahweh. As sons of Elohim we are joined in one Spirit together with Him. So in this year, I will be receiving my breakthroughs, and I look forward to them. Praise Yahweh! A natural Spirit life, a spiritual rest, living in the Spirit as though it is as natural as breathing. Yes.

-Saturday, 2nd January 2016, 3 months 26 days, 0444

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