Wednesday 30 December 2015

Bible Reading #3

Day 3 entering the final morning now. We are currently at John 18 at the time of this blog and truth be told we are one and a half hour behind time. Now, while everyone is asleep and resting the speediest readers are called to stand on the walls of Jerusalem to keep watch until we have pursued, caught up and overtaken the time allotted us. This Bible Reading is rather exciting and: invigorating to the spirit, soul, and body.

What can I say about this Bible reading? Hmmm... Well, the Word if Elohim is convicting me even now that as I hear the words of Elohim proclaimed over us all here at Glory Place, Mantin. Sharper than any two edged sword, He pierces to the division and tearing asunder of the soul and spirit, the bones and marrows. Thus, through this reading I see plainly that I am still lacking much. It must have been ludicrous of me to say that I have received much when in truth I have yet to go deeper into the deep waters of Yahweh. I merely skirted the edge of His fullness and have yet to step forth boldly before Him to receive from Him His very Being.

Through this Bible Reading I see that I still have a foot left in the world, the phone is slowly consuming me. My time, my sleep, my energy. I believe now that Yahweh has warned me through Megan and His Word more so it is time to sever myself from everything from this world. Yeah, it's about time to stop being double minded about this matter. It's either the world or Elohim, no two ways about it. Praise Yahweh for this Bible Reading through which He is cleansing me, purging me of all alloy so that I may be a pure offering unto Him.

-Thursday, 31st December 2015, 3 months 24 days, 0448

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