Sunday, 10 January 2016


Perhaps it is time to change lenses. I may have become quite bias towards people, things and whatnot. So much so before someone says something I have already adopted a mindset to that particular person. Don't get me wrong, there are people and things to whom I do that though I can't seem to recall anything now; but over these past few days Yahweh has been indicating to me about 'neutrality'.

Acid and alkali neutralises each other to become tasteless water. Same thing applies to the Christian walk of faith in the Messiah. Too much of a good thing and the indulgence of fleshly vices, which is bad becomes too heavy of a burden to bear sometimes. In the sense of what is good, for me I sometimes find myself puffing up more than necessary. To think that I have the audacity to claim to have mastered something when at the next moment I spin out of control of it. Thus, it was necessary and needful for me that Yahweh laid on me some afflictions and chastisement due to me, not because I am a wretched sinner; though I was and should be without Yeshua but because He loves me and He chastises those whom He calls His own children. If we cannot accept the adversity as well as the good from Yahweh we become illegitimate and cut off from the power of the Holy Spirit. After all if one walks alone and falls who will pick him up? In this I see the mercy of Yahweh of His continuing to remind me that it is not what I can do or know, it is purely grace through faith that I am saved.

The same applies to the flesh. When we too often focus on our problems we tend to forget our Problem Solver. When we pay to mind our sicknesses and griefs we soon forget about He Who had borne all for us that we might become the righteousness of Elohim in Him. As we desire those which are outside the will of Elohim for us, sin is given birth. And as we pursue, sin grows and sin full grown brings death. Thus it becomes a necessity for our survival to stop looking at the seen and start looking at Him who is unseen and living inside of us. Focus on the Giver rather than His gifts though they are wondrous, they are surely not as wondrous as He Himself.

Talking about a neutral zone, I think it will be good for me to take a step back and don't be so quick to judge people based on what they had done before. For surely as Joseph was able to forgive his brothers for selling him into slavery, as Yeshua forgave Simon Peter for his 3 time denial, surely as Messiah that same Forgiver should compel me to stop judging and start loving. Love covers a multitude of sins in the first place and as knowledge puffs up, love edifies. Love brings joy, followed by peace. And as sons of Elohim we are peacemakers by default and not judge, jury and executioner. Leave the vengeance to Yahweh, loving one another fulfills all the Law and the Prophets exponentially. The kingdom of heaven personifies righteousness, joy and peace. To keep in memory of people's past mistakes means to unknowingly carry a grudge, a deep root of offense and unforgiveness towards they themselves. And if we cannot forgive them our heavenly Father will not pardon us either. In this I pray may the Elohim of all grace perfect, establish, strengthen and settle me in this matter. For if He has forgiven that brother or sister and has forgotten their past errors should they have repented, should not I His son and their sibling in Messiah as well?

-Sunday, 10th January 2016, 4 months 3 days, 2103

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