Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Breaking of Strongholds

The fasting ordained by Yahweh is on. The first day has officially finished and now we enter the next two days. Praise Yahweh for this fast. Because more oftentimes than it should have been I have allowed the flesh to take the driver's seat and it is only through fasts like these that I can truly crucify the flesh with its passions and desires. What's more it is every month so I truly thank Yeshua that now through fasting and prayer I can effectively whack the devil out of my life and destroy his works in me.

As this fast continues on I am expectant of many breakthroughs this time around because straight after the three days absolute fast is the 21 day fast leading up to the Prayer Advance Seminar in February this year. The seminar lasts 10 days and as we are a prophetic people we can expect prophetic things to take place. So this time around I have great hope in Yahweh that as I fast not with my own strength or comprehension but with the manifold wisdom and strength found in Yeshua Messiah, I know that many strongholds remaining in my life will at last be shattered. For surely as Isaiah 58:6 says: "Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?" So surely the bands of wickedness over me will be broken, the oppression will be loosed from me, every heavy burden will be undone and every yoke broken of me. Praise Yahweh! On with it.

-Wednesday, 13th January 2016, 4 months 6 days, 1735

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