Friday 26 February 2016

Clean Up

Well it is once again the end of the 3 days absolute fast of no food and water. It was interesting to say the least. I had to undergo many a temptation of food and drink from all those not partaking of the fast. Especially that bottle of Pepsi in the fridge in my room. How it has called out to me many times and now that I am free to drink it as I please, it doesn't appeal to me much anymore.

One thing that is definitely broken in this fast is yet another bondage and chain that was troubling me. I will go no further than to say that truly Yeshua has set me free and now I am free indeed. I won't write much as I am getting quite sleepy but one thing is sorely needed now. A sprucing up of my room. It's about time too. Also thank Yahweh for calling me out of the world. Eternally grateful for that.

-Saturday, 27th February 2016, 5 months 20 days, 0540

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