Sunday 6 March 2016

Matthew 26:39

This is the first time I am reblogging right after I published another blog post. The times are changing and they are swiftly changing. Even as I write this I can just sense that something is coming quickly. Of course excluding the Lord Yeshua Messiah's second coming; yet another season of change is upon us unlike any other.

In this season the need to seriously get right and get done in is urgent. To get right with Yahweh and to truly die unto self and unto the world and its lusts and pleasures. The time has come to choose one and forsake the other, and truly this is my time of decision. The nations are gathering in the Valley of Jehoshaphat, the Valley of Decision and more so Yahweh's people are being gathered together to finally make a decision and no longer run to and fro betwixt two sides. Yahweh is cutting His work short in righteousness and His Son's imminent return is upon us. If it was already so soon 2000 years ago what more now in this grace period of His?

The time for decision making is now. I can no longer afford to carry any weights to slow me down, I want to live therefore I must die unto the world and unto myself. The Holy Spirit must take me over so completely giving no more room for even any interference from the second heaven. And surely He will, He is waiting for me to come to the end of myself and now is that time, that season. Yahweh Elohim forgive me for so long clinging to my last vestiges of this world in love. Forgive me that I have gone following the ways of Solomon and how he clung to his heathen wives in love. I repent and I close the door, no longer leaving it ajar for the enemy to come in. Cleanse me thoroughly and completely, every room and every corner of this house.

I still have yet much to learn and experience firsthand the wonders of Elohim in Messiah Yeshua. I thank Yahweh that He has forgiven me and now I truly want to be His own special and peculiar people above the face of the whole earth. He has cleansed me from all secret faults and presumptuous sins. Now the enemy has been defeated and I am to remind them of their place: under my feet. There is an active resistance to play inasmuch as there was passivity. I must resist the devil and he must flee from me when I do so. I cannot sit back and expect Yahweh to do something for me because He already did it 2000 years ago through His Son and to expect Him to help when help is already provided is to mock and deny the finished work of Yeshua on the cross. I must fight inasmuch as the war has been won, the battle must still be fought.

-Monday, 7th March 2016, 5 months 29 days, 0124

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