Friday, 18 March 2016

Onward and Upward

Having just broken the 3 days of absolute fasting life has returned to normalcy. As I write this I am currently on my way back from GPPJ to GP Mantin. It is amazing to note that how I was just moments before and after the breaking of the fast. The satisfaction I felt was immense as I took the first sip of my drink. It just reminded me that truly Yahweh is gracious and full of compassion on me. As we draw nearer to the seminar: "Receiving the Resurrection Life of Yeshua", I am reminded again that truly time is speeding by and that awesome Day is fast approaching.

The coming of our Lord Yeshua Messiah is soon and we had best make right while we still have the light. As we continue to walk in the light of Elohim all our works will be exposed and corrected that we may be perfected into the image and likeness of our Elohim. For someone like me that means well. Though not all of my actions may be right before His eyes and others, it is also only He who is able to refine me as through immense heating that I may come forth as gold pure. Thus, I found that so long as I continue to remain in His presence, His sanctuary then will He do that complete work on me. In this time and season the presence of Yahweh is no longer scarce but like an everyday shower, warming the spirit, soul, and body.

I am truly privileged to be able to live a life completely separated from the world; that I am able to live as what the Lord Yeshua has died to make me: a king and a priest unto Him. Praise Yah!

-Saturday, 19th March 2016, 6 months 12 days, 0445

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