Wednesday, 16 March 2016

A Son's Life

In continuation life right now is better than it was yesterday. Well it always gets better than the day before and tomorrow will be no exception. Everyday I can see the sovereign hand of Elohim working mightily upon me; His Spirit doing the deep restoration and cleansing in my inward parts. How marvellous to know that all my days have already been fashioned for me, meaning that even the bad I go through is all part of His written plan for me. No matter what I go through it is already written down and surely all things will work together for good to them that love Him.

Everyday as I continue in the presence of Yahweh I can see the tendencies of my flesh and its passion and desires loosening its grip on me. The more the days pass by I am blessed to see this marvellous work taking place in my life. I know that for as long as I continue surely I shall be set free in an even greater depth than I already am now. Therefore I am finding my rest in Yeshua Messiah and it is a good rest indeed. Though I may stumble and fall oftentimes, Yahweh is gracious that He picks me up and sends me onwards. In the end as He has promised surely He will carry it out. For He has perfected forever those whom He is sanctifying.

Therefore everyday is a day well enjoyed and loved. For everyday is a blessing given to me by Yeshua because of what He has done on the cross to save a sinner like myself from death and to bring me into His very own life eternal. What I desire I ask of the Heavenly Father in the name of Yeshua and it shall be done because He delights in me; not in any substance or form of myself but because He sees His Son in me that He loves me dearly. I have been adopted into the household of Elohim and am now a son born of water and Spirit and bought with the Redeemer's blood price. Hallelujah!

-Wednesday, 16th March 2016, 6 months 9 days, 1742

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