Sunday 17 April 2016

Hosea 6:1

What am I to write? Hmmm. Don't know yet but I do know it's time to stop with the pretending. This is a blog about a boy's journey in Yahweh; not some sermon articles. I'll be somewhat more honest in my writings though not fully honest as that privilege only belongs to Yeshua and myself. You readers have been notified.

A new season of change in the Holy Spirit is here now. Looks like this season will be the most exciting and yet most costing season I will have gone through yet. The first few days and already I have received quite the smack down. Ah well, each day brings new beatings and new healings. As He has torn, He will heal us. As He has stricken He will bind us up. No worries. Just waiting for that second and third day now, Yahweh...

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