Monday 11 April 2016

Like a River

This is it. This is it. This is it. What is it? I have found peace. And the peace from above is good indeed. In the face of others I might have flunked out but yet what is this peace? I am neither troubled at what I have done for I have done no wrong, Elohim is my witness in this. Nor am I at last wavering betwixt two opinions, I finally know where I stand in particular matters. Whether I get it tomorrow or not doesn't matter anymore, I am at peace and that peace supercede any and all worries that I may have. The day itself have its own troubles and my worrying will in by no way change that.

However I put my trust in the Elohim that is able to see the beginning from the end considering that He Himself is the Beginning and the End. Now, it really begins to stir. The waters are about to be churned and tested and whether the peace of Messiah Yeshua is able to keep me is about to be proven faithful and true. I now am without any cares whatsoever. Come what may, what people may say but in the end it is the Word of Elohim as my standard. The benchmark of all things is of Him, through Him and to Him. Lord Yeshua has been gracious to me and now we enter into the monthly fasting and prayer. I now enter that I may find real rest for my soul in the Messiah. I enter this fast with the sole purpose to come out burden less and yoke free. Go to

-Tuesday, 12th April 2016, 7 months 5 days, 0318

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