Monday 11 April 2016

Psalm 30:5b

It's been a while. One full week to be exact and what a week it has been. Thus far, I don't think I have ever experienced this much in such a long while and not in a positive sense. This week was a train wreck for me. Flesh dominated week is what this week will be called because it was precisely that: flesh dominated. What I did not want to do I did and what I wanted to I did not. It became increasingly taxing on my spirit, soul and body this week for me as I was tried in every sense and seemingly failed each and every single time. Even now there are still smudges here and there as I can plainly see and they are deep stains. My spirit was heavily deprived of the Word of Elohim and thus I lost the drive to continue for that moment. My soul was vexed within me as what was contrary to me has been accomplished and death spouted high like an unclosed tap. And just how many deaths have I experienced just this week accumulates more than the previous months by far. My body was given over to bear the fruits of death so much so that sin reigned in my mortal body spurred on in the moment.

Honestly, it was a real bummer of a week. But I thank Yeshua that through this I am taught the harsh lesson that there is absolutely nothing I can do, nothing within me is able to resist the carnal urging a of the flesh. No strength of myself can save me. In the end, it's all Yahweh. It has always been Yahweh and this much was made clear to me this previous week. Looking back truly all things worked together for good to them that love Him. Now a new week is dawning upon us and surely the help from Elohim comes at the crack of dawn. A new week equals new and fresh anointing and where Yahweh's anointing oil is it breaks every time.

Thus, I am glad that not only is this week at last over but also for the lesson learnt. He had broken me down and all my high walls are as rubble before Him. He breaks the yoke off my back so that I may carry His York, the yoke of Messiah. A new beginning is here. Let us continue to go and pray before Yahweh and seek Yahweh of hosts. I myself will go also...

-Monday, 11th April 2016, 7 months 4 days, 1852

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