Monday 22 August 2016

Living the Heavenly Life

I have time to spend so I might as well blog once again. It's been a while since I last blog and for a particular reason for that. The story of Moses; his life, his experiences, his mistakes, his flock all just point to the life of a Christian who truly desires to follow the Word of Elohim. Though we may go through much travailings, yet the blessings that accompany us easily blots out every remembrance of our past ordeals. The promises of Elohim keeps us going inasmuch as it keep Moses. I have decided to drop the subject of Moses because it is vastly extensive and rich in revelations. I do not drop it because of said reason but simply because this blog was never meant to be a pastoral sermon board but a personal walk of a son of Elohim, his daily challenges and his daily blessings in the Messiah revealed and shared from day to day.

So inasmuch as I ended the previous part of Moses on the tenth plague, I believe I'll just leave it there. For now at least; until the time comes when the Spirit of Yahweh prompts me to return to it. Let's return to what I'd rather do. Talking of His wondrous works in day to day life as a son of Elohim.

The upcoming seminar 'Living the Heavenly Life' is just around the corner and things are starting to become lively here at Glory Place Mantin. The place is a buzz with activity in preparation for receiving different nations into her midst. It is truly a blessing to be able to not only witness but be a part of the ecumenical body of Messiah; gathering together to truly wait upon Yahweh and to receive from Him. Friends and family alike are gathering together in the name of the Lord Yeshua Messiah and that is something to be excited and jovial about.

Some people see this as a time of immense work to be done but I for one see this as my vacation day. When you're with family, no matter what; even if it be work, it is accounted as nothing when you're with the people you love. So when we gather together during seminars like this it's as though I've gone on vacation and take this time to enjoy myself in whatsoever I've been given to do. A great joy indeed. For how can you count something as work when you enjoy it so much? Rather it becomes a pleasure, something desirable rather than something needed.

The dawn of the seminar is here and with it, a higher breakthrough in and of and by the Spirit of Elohim. Wonder what will be for this time...

-Tuesday, 23 August 2016, 11 months 16 days, 0725

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