Monday 15 August 2016

Moses [Parte 4]

Moses really has so many similarities that we can pinpoint out that exemplifies what it means to be a true Christian, a fellow believer and disciple of the Lord Yeshua Messiah. From his birth onwards even to the very day of his death is indeed a shadow of things which has already come: Messiah first and as I believe for those who walk the path of the cross, to its glorious end.

Even though Moses himself murmured against Yahweh, He being the gracious Elohim that He is continued to proclaim Himself; that His Word shall be exalted and shall judge Pharaoh and the gods whom he trusts. He shall not only smite them but will do so in such spectacular manner that there will be no more arguments about Who is the true Elohim. Yahweh.

[1Ki 18:39] And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and they said, יהוה, he is the Elohim; יהוה, he is the Elohim.

And so came the ten plagues. Blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and the tenth plague; which I shall elaborate later on because it holds significant revelations indeed. The ten plagues each held significant meaning: they were meant to judge the gods of Egypt and to exact retribution upon the Egyptians for their hundreds of years of harsh treatment towards the people of Yahweh. With every plague that was unleashed, judgement was passed onto the gods of Egypt to show that there is indeed only one Elohim Who rules the heavens and the earth. Yahweh El Shaddai.

[Exo 12:12] For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the elohim of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am יהוה.

Egypt held and revered many different gods: health, medicine, the sun, the river Nile, etc. Even in our generation right now it is prevalent although it has taken a slightly altered form: computers, phone, food, education, health, entertainment, etc. So when Moses and Aaron came in the name of Yahweh Elohim of Israel, to Pharaoh it was just yet another Elohim Whom he had yet to know. Which was why he said thus:

[Exo 5:2] And Pharaoh said, Who is יהוה, that I should obey His voice to let Israel go? I know not יהוה, neither will I let Israel go.

He outrightly challenged the sovereignty of the Elohim of Israel and in the end, picked the short end of the straw. With every plague Yahweh made it clear that there was none that could be compared with Him. It wasn't even a contest to begin with. No power of man is able to prevail against even the weakness, if there is any, of Elohim.

[1Co 1:25] Because the foolishness of יהוה is wiser than men; and the weakness of יהוה is stronger than men.

And so with the ten plagues Yahweh demonstrated His glory and His power for all to see and fear Him. But the real kicker is that the first nine plagues were all in some ways you could say 'natural' plagues. All were able to be caused and categorised as natural disasters in their own right but the tenth plague stands out from it all. It was the most fearsome and truly it gives us a clear cut warning: Though we may err in our ways, we must never provoke Yahweh to His fierce anger. In the last plague, Yahweh Himself came down to smite the Egyptians. I shall elaborate further in the next post. Until then...

-Friday, 19th August 2016, 11 months 11 days, 0357

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