Friday 5 August 2016

Moses [Parte 1]

Abraham's is a life of faith. Joseph's is a life of Divine appointments. Joshua's is a life of warfare. David's is a life of praise and worship. Samuel's a life of ministering unto Yahweh. The list goes on; however what I really want to direct your attention to is the life of Moses: the life of a Christian. The Bible's own Pilgrim's Progress.

We begin at the upbringing of Moses. His conception I'll leave it out as I have yet to receive revelation concerning thus. Moses was brought up with the highest degree of education of that age. Egypt was no mere country, it was an empire and the pinnacle of it at that moment in time. Being the adopted son of Pharaoh meant that he would receive education befitting a prince and would be in line to the throne. We all know the story of how he killed the Egyptian taskmaster assuming that his brethren would understand that he was acting in part as their saviour, but they didn't and it resulted in him fleeing the country to become a shepherd.

[It's quite long so I'll just put the reference up; Acts 7:22-29]

Now from this alone there is already so much similarities between ourselves and him. We once delved into the wisdom and knowledge of this world through textbooks and literature, thinking that one day we would 'contribute' to society by becoming a doctor, an engineer, a pilot, etc. And as Moses became aware of his Hebraic heritage that he himself was a Hebrew and deigned himself to be the deliverer of his people because of his standing and learned ways, we too thought that when we became Christians we would then 'contribute' no longer to society but to Elohim first and then man. Thinking to do a good thing when in fact nothing of and by the flesh can please Yahweh for flesh and blood cannot inherit His kingdom.

[1Co 15:50] Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of יהוה; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.

Moses was qualified in every way: he was eloquent, learned in the ways of Egypt, thoroughly bred to be a prince, holds standing office as the son of Pharaoh's daughter.

[Act 7:22] And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and in deeds.

And yet before Yahweh he was found wanting. He could not use Moses the way he is now because the wisdom from this world brings in nothing but death and its knowledge pride and arrogance. He thought he knew the heart of Yahweh that He would use him as the saviour of his people; and He did but not as he was when he first acted. And acted he did, presumptuously for under no circumstances did Elohim ever direct him to slay that Egyptian.

What about us? We so willingly forget that Yahweh never calls the qualified, rather that He qualifies the called. But we deem it foolish to know nothing so that we could have everything. "We ought to be just like the world so that we can win the world for Messiah. Yeshua can use our skills which we attained in this world for His purposes and plan." Though I do not discredit that because Yahweh is sovereign and He does with one as He pleases and another differently according to the good pleasure of His will. However that wasn't the case with Moses. How many times have we all acted presumptuously because we 'felt the prompting of Yahweh'? Saul felt prompted to offer the sacrifice first before Samuel arrived and the result: the kingdom was given to a man more worthy of it, David. However know for certain that we must not be like the world to win the world for Yeshua. He's called us to be lights of the world and what do lights so? They shine in the darkness. And what would happen if our eyes should make us wander into the darkness to be like the darkness? Yeshua makes it clear cut:

[Mat 6:23] But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!

We are a city that is set on a hill. Get it? We are first of all separated from other 'cities' if you will and furthermore elevated above them. If the inhabitants of the valley look up then they will see the city set atop the hill, it cannot be hidden.

[Mat 5:14] Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.

I will continue this in another post. Until then...

-Saturday, 6th August 2016, 10 months 30 days, 0504

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