Saturday 12 November 2016

1st Service Celebrations

I am excited. I really am. This is a new season and thus yet another hallmark in our journey with Yeshua Messiah. With each passing day we draw nearer and nearer to His soon return where those whom He has called by name and known shall be caught up together with Him in the clouds to meet. With each passing day revival becomes more and more evident within the body of Messiah and once more the sound of the harp is going forth to all the nations of the earth just as it was in the time of King David. The Tabernacle of David is being raised up but more than that now in this present era of the Holy Spirit heaven has come down to earth. And it brings the kingdom of Elohim together with it in all its splendour and majesty.

Today's first service was exceptionally exceptional. I was really edified but more so I was deeply elated to know that the Holy Spirit is working in the lives of the young people to bring them back to intimacy with Yeshua rather than to busy oneself with works meant for the Spirit and to be done by the Spirit of Elohim solely. Valerie and Caleb shared what Yahweh had been teaching and showing them and kudos to Valerie but I want to talk about Caleb in this present moment. Just thinking back to what he shared makes me grin from ear to ear. Surely what the Holy Spirit has revealed to me He too is revealing to others as well.

In Myanmar Caleb encountered Elohim and what he learned from that is that we are not meant to busy ourselves with the Heavenly Father's business and yet forgetting that good part meant for us: to sit at the feet of Yeshua and to hear and learn from Him. Intimacy by being still and just to know that He is Elohim is what Caleb was emphasizing and that was what was revealed to Him. He found that as he just stopped being busy minded about the situation and problems arising around him, then the Holy Spirit just took over and showed Caleb things he had never seen and known before. Back then he had trouble just connecting with Yahweh by the Spirit but now as he just still himself he found he was able to simply connect anywhere and everywhere he goes and whatsoever he does. He found the world speaking to him of Yeshua and he found revelation upon revelation to be heaped up to him such as he has never known before.

Hallelujah! You know as he was sharing all this I just found myself leaping for joy within my heart. I did not outright leap for joy but such a joy of Yahweh came upon me that now He has shown yet another one of my brothers that all Yahweh wants is just sons. He does not require able bodied people, musically talented stars, charismatic leaders or the like. All He wants are sons and that was what Yeshua died to bring us into. Not into fame or fortune or recognition but into sonship by faith in Him to Yahweh. Sons who just listen and obey and then will see the wondrousness of the Heavenly Father. To Caleb it was as though he had entered into a new realm that he had never known before and I am absolutely happy for him. Thinking about it now just makes me absolutely grateful to Yahweh that not only did He reveal the same to me about all this but now He is bringing His people once again to see that it is not about ministry, it's about ministering first. I am privileged to be able to witness firsthand the lives of the young people moving from glory to glory and grace to grace by the Spirit of Elohim in every first service. The night watches are my favourite and the first service is no exception. I wonder why no one wants to join? They could have been so blessed and yet...

-Sunday, 13th November 2016, 1 year 2 months 6 days, 0402

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