Friday 11 November 2016

Psalm 116:7

Life is going really well for me at this moment in time. Everything is just fitting together snuggly and I praise Yahweh that He has shown me His outstretched arm in the full course of my days in Glory Place. Everyday speaks to me in a way I had never realized before and I am amazed that the Holy Spirit had done such a marvellous work within me.

[Psa 118:23] This is יהוה's doing; it is marvellous in our eyes.

I am at peace and have found peace with the people around me and the things surrounding me. Though sometimes we may have our highs and lows, I find such a prevalent peace that comes upon me day after day assuring me that all things shall work together for good to them that love Elohim. I find that now it becomes an utmost pleasure of mine to wait upon Yahweh for many occasions. Back then I had never understood what waiting for Elohim meant and took it for granted. I had always thought it meant rest which it is but to me it meant physical rest of the body. Back then my body would find all the rest it needed but my soul was still in deep distress. But now I have found the true rest in Messiah Yeshua.

[Mat 11:28] Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

His rest is absolutely perfect and truly by the grace of Yahweh I can experience it day in and day out. His rest encompasses me about and I find it's not just my body but my entire spirit, soul, and body enter such a restful state where I just cease from trying and just be while the Holy Spirit works unhindered. Today auntie Deborah asked us during the Friday house church what exactly does 'waiting upon Yahweh' mean to each of us? For me the first thought was always rest. Well, actually another thought came straight before that but I believe that now is not the time to reveal that yet. Perhaps the day will come soon, who knows...

I desire rest and that; by the grace of Elohim is what I have received in Yeshua by the Spirit. A perfect rest that not only refreshes me completely but resolves every situation and issue in and about and all round me. I'm not all too sure how this came to be. All I remember is that I had once asked Yeshua in His name that He give me rest all around and that I may just be free in Him to continue resting. Soon enough, as I just continued on with my walk with Elohim I found that it came; not at once but gradually I found myself slipping and sliding deeper and deeper into the presence of Elohim. All it took on my part was just to continue in the way He has shown me and that required perseverance and longsuffering. It didn't come right away but little by little and He has taught me not to strain after His presence but that I should just wait for Him because for thousands of years Elohim has waited for me to return to Him. And I found that as I relaxed in His presence the Holy Spirit came so effortlessly and there I was, lost in eternity. I could just keep raising my hands in the stillness of the night! Praise Yahweh but now it's getting a bit late. Time to turn in.

[Psa 116:7] Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for יהוה hath dealt bountifully with thee.

-Saturday, 12th November 2016, 1 year 2 months 5 days, 0513

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