Friday 4 November 2016


It's not that I don't have time. I have time aplenty given to me by Elohim, it's only I seldom use it on meaningful excursions. Normally I'd spend most of it just resting up in the Hiding Place. It's only when there's a little bit of time longer that I then use it for other more meaningful things. Thus I let my responsibilities pile up most of the times but thankfully just one or two full hours is enough to not only clear it but to do so in such an exceptional manner.

I praise Yahweh that He has blessed me with what I had so earnestly desired: rest and liberty. I remember back in my Primary Six graduation ceremony that moment when I had received my certificate and looked at what the inscription said. For each student there is a different inscription; diligence, steadfastness, responsible, etc. But I got something that I didn't quite understood at that time: liberality. I had absolutely no clue what that meant so years later I looked it up.

Liberality - 1) The quality of not being opposed to ideas or ways of behaving that are not traditional or widely accepted.

2) The quality of being generous

How true it is now! Praise Yahweh for that. Even back then I was always the odd one out, doing things that people are not too inclined to do. I'd skipped class just to go to the library or the computer room to hangout and sleep there. I was like in my own little world back then and looking back I really thank Yahweh that He has brought me out of my world and into His. And how wonderful it is to be His son and He my Heavenly Father.

I grew up into a family that desired that I bear much fruit through much toil and for me toiling was something that I was not all that keen upon. Only if it was something I found enjoyable that I would give it my all but that was on rare occasions. But now that He has given me His rest and has set me free from my past chains and links I find that I enjoy all things, even those which require effort on my part to put out. What a joy and rest that comes upon me that it is as though I had done nothing and yet the work is accomplished. There was no strenuous activity on my part but rather a yielding to a higher Power that works in me both to will and to do for Elohim's good pleasure.

So in all points I am free, so free that sometimes my liberty puts a stumbling block onto the paths of others. But I don't really care because I've been set free. No longer do I do, I just be a son of Elohim and Yahweh is my Father. We were never called to do anything for Him but rather to just be there when He does something in and through us. He wants us to avail ourselves to His working in us and yield to it so that it may reach maturity. You can't try to be a son of your father, you just are. Whether you're good or you're bad in the eyes of the people around you, you are still your father's boy. How much more our Heavenly Father Who sees not us but His Son, Yeshua Messiah in us?

I see many people working out their salvation with fear and trembling which is a good thing but I found that the fear they exhibit is not of Elohim. Their fear brings with them torments, reminding them of their sins and condemning and accusing them for it. When Yahweh called us to fear Him I believe it is not the fear this world knows of, of horror and stark terror; but rather the sort of parental fear and respect that you'd show your parents. To fear Him not as a taskmaster but as a Father. No father oppresses his sons but a father chastises them when needed not because they deserve it even if they do but for their betterment and because he loves them. How much more our Heavenly Father? This revelation Yahweh has so graciously given me: we stand upon the Rock, Yeshua Messiah. We are safe but sometimes there is a need to check our footing lest we fall off the Rock. Waves will come to push us off but that I believe is what working out our salvation is all about. Not being fearful of whether we will make it or no, but rather just like Paul:

[2Ti 1:12b] for I know Whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.

Do we know that Yeshua Messiah is in us? Are we confident of Who we have believed in and that He is able to keep us? Have faith in Elohim but continue to check your footings.

[1Co 10:12] Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.

I see clearly the world around me talking to me, telling me of the mighty works Messiah has accomplished on the cross. Everything speaks of Yeshua to me.

[Rom 1:19-20] Because that which may be known of יהוה is manifest in them; for יהוה hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and supernal nature; so that they are without excuse:

[Psa 19:1] The heavens declare the glory of Elohim; and the firmament sheweth His handywork.

[Act 14:17] Nevertheless He left not himself without witness, in that He did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.

This can keep going on and on and on but I think I might have to continue this some other occasion, Elohim willing. I'm quite tired. All I want to say is, now the world speaks to me the Word of Elohim. It speaks of the wonders Yeshua has accomplished and the blessings He died to give someone like me with. Though the world is filled with corruption it is still Yahweh's world. Just what does it speak unto you reader?

-Saturday, 5th November 2016, 1 year 1 month 29 days, 0447

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