Tuesday 1 November 2016

October and more - Blessedness

October has past and now we usher in November. The past month has been pivotal to me in many occasions, particularly concerning the will of Elohim pertaining to me. I found that it was in this month that Yahweh really brought everything together and wrapped it up nicely with a big ribbon. Now we enter into a new season with new things to look forward to and greater things to see through till the end. The will of Elohim concerning worship is now no longer just a purpose but a fulfillment. The Heavenly Father's heart has not just been touched but manifested through the harp worship unto the nations and now we look forward to the next part to accomplish as His sons. After all, a son does what his father tells him to do not because it is his own selfish desire but it is for the betterment of his son. What a father desires is for his son to inherit all that he has and much more. How much more so our Heavenly Father?

Things will begin to surface now I believe in this month of November. Surface within our lives, surface within our church, surface within our nation. And whatsoever that surfaces will be shaken thoroughly by Yahweh. I believe that this month we will see a preparation by Elohim Himself for His people for what is to come in the near future. It does not matter whether it is good or bad because according to the Word of Elohim all that He has for us is good. We only see good and evil simply because our first parents disobeyed and ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Had they instead partook of the tree of life they would have seen life manifest but now we see with our own ideas of what is good and evil. If it benefits, it's good; if it hurts even for our good, it's evil. Is not this in itself evil because we have such dishonest scales and weighs in our lives?

I truly thank Yeshua for the month of October. I am simply astounded by what has transpired in that month and even more amazing is that things would not have turned out so beautifully had I taken control of the decisions. Only Yahweh makes all things beautiful in their due seasons. And I am blessed to have His Holy Spirit living within me to teach me His ways and lead me in His way everlasting. But I know that everyday will only get better. Inasmuch as today or even yesterday was wonderful the next day will be even more glorious. Because it simply says in the Word of Elohim that the glory of the latter house shall be greater than the former. I also believe that this applies to our everyday life. I live in expectancy that what the Holy Spirit had accomplished today He will do something much more awesome the next day. I have learnt that of all the good and perfect gifts that I had received everyday, each of them will pale in comparison to what is to come in the following day. So really there's nothing for us to settle ourselves in, even though the past was good and all. What comes next will be absolutely marvellous in our eyes and this will certainly be Yahweh's doing.

[Hag 2:9] The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith יהוה of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith יהוה of hosts.

[Job 8:7] Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.

[Psa 118:23] This is יהוה's doing; it is marvellous in our eyes.

-Wednesday, 2nd November 2016, 1 year 1 month 26 days, 0439

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