Thursday 27 October 2016

Running the Race

It's technically past the 2nd day already of fasting and prayer if you are following the hours. There's less than 20 hours left before we break fast but I'm quite amazed that once again Yahweh has brought me this far already. The previous two days flew by like a breeze but they were by no means easy. I did not prepare myself fully when partaking of this fast and so I am just bearing the brunt of it. However I thank Yahweh that in His grace and mercy He once again had brought me thus far. Having prepared myself somewhat today I was able to receive what Yahweh had in store for me and what's more what I had desired to accomplish I have done so and thus there is peace although my stomach is rumbling. Praise Yahweh that in all things even in fasting He leads me through victory in Messiah Yeshua. He caused me to walk in strength so much so that should I desire to sleep I can but I will be aware of what is still transpiring around me. This has been going on for a while now and because of it I've been accused of sleeping more than I should.

Oh well, it doesn't really matter anyways about all this. We each have our own battles to wage against the enemy so there really is no time to look at one another like this. But strangely even though we are under continuous bombardment by the enemy, satan; I am strangely free. I mean sure there are times when I myself must wage war against the mind and its wandering thoughts and passions but what I've discovered is that what we give our attention to grows all the more. I found that the more I paid attention to the faults in my carnal nature, the more it grows and becomes all the more dominating over me. But even if I have the urges and desire to stray away for a bit to fulfill my lusts and passions, I found this secret: who cares? So what if it is there? So what if I have such thoughts, I too have the authority to reject it and pull it down to the ground. It's like there is a sign at the side of the road that you see as you travel down. "Free ice cream". But you don't want ice cream so you just pass by it. That's exactly how Yahweh has revealed to me to deal with sin. It's there because as long as we are in this tent we are susceptible to the sins which is around and even in the tent. But we have no obligation to always pay attention to it, nor to obey it because now we have a new Master.

[Rom 6:17-18] But יהוה be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you. Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness.

If temptation should come and should it overwhelm, it doesn't matter. There's no need to grovel and cry about split milk. Just get up and continue your race. Because you will find no runner in no such race that when he falls down cries and bemoans his uselessness. He gets up and continues the race because he desires the prize. Likewise we as well. Just get up.

-Thursday, 27th October 2016, 1 year 1 month 20 days, 2226

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