Wednesday 26 October 2016

With All Haste

We have once again begun to fast and pray for 3 days. It felt like ages since we last had our corporate fast together and so I welcome it no longer as a burden but a pleasure because I see and know and have experienced the changes in one's life fasting and praying can do. It shifts the spiritual realm greatly through it, strongholds come down and the will of Elohim goes forth and is fulfilled. The transforming glory of Yahweh comes upon His people as they wait for Him and thus lives are changed; no longer serving self or the flesh but rather serving Elohim through and by the Holy Spirit given to us. With every fasting and prayer I see that we are moving step by step deeper and deeper into Yeshua Himself and thus losing ourselves more so that we may become in every way, in manner and word and works and walk of life; like Him.

In this fast as Pastor Jean has proclaimed we intend to see the principality of Asclepius torn down and destroyed once and for all and that true healing return unto the body of Messiah. We also fast because after this trip to the convocation there is this deep stirring that things will begin to change and move in such a way as never been seen or thought of before. There is this sense of needing to prepare ourselves to move quickly according to the will of Elohim because now, in my own eyes; Yahweh is bringing Romans 9:28 to pass:

[Rom 9:28] For He will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will יהוה make upon the earth.

From this point on only those who will be led and are willing to be led by the Spirit no matter where He may take to whomever and whenever He may wish, will make it. The time for relying on the arm of flesh has officially passed with this and now only the sons of Elohim are called who will hear the voice of the Heavenly Father and do all that is in His will. I see the way getting narrower and narrower but that is not a bad thing. More than that it really excites me that now Yahweh's work is becoming all the more clear and evident and that the life of Yeshua is becoming even more manifest. So for me this fasting is one where I desire to leave all unto the Holy Spirit to work in me, both to will and to do for His good pleasure because now only He can do the work. What comes next will be extremely daunting for those still relying on their own strength or comprehension to see it through. This world's strength and logic must fly out the window because when Yahweh does something it defies common sense. That is a miracle. A miracle is something with which we can never wrap our heads around because it simply cannot be and yet is. And what's more we are called to live a miraculous life everyday. So everything we had learnt from this world must be discarded in favor of seeing the hand of Yahweh leading and guiding us step by step into His will and His will alone.

[Hab 1:5] Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.

Let it be according to Your Word, o Elohim my Elohim.

-Wednesday, 26th October 2016, 1 year 1 month 19 days, 1811

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