Saturday 26 November 2016

Luke 21:19

A new season of Yahweh is here once again and this time it brings development. I am happy? Am I? I'm not really sure what to call the feelings churning within me but without a shadow of doubt I know that this is none other but the working of the Holy Spirit in my life. Things are beginning to take root and now is the time more than anything else that I center my focus upon Yeshua Messiah and not on my circumstances no matter how beneficial or blessed they are. All such things are secondary and right now I believe that this is the season where a deeper intimacy with Yeshua is going to spring forth from it all.

Everything around me is developing, albeit at a pace that I did not expect it to. And soon enough the time will come where it must and will bear much fruit and then it will be a time of great joy. However now is the time to wait, I must wait. There really can be no other option simply because I have no other choice but to wait now. If I were to interfere with the flow of the Holy Spirit now I believe that things will fall apart but as I wait I see the Holy Spirit working mightily and so awesomely in my life. His hand is ever so evident and I am blessed to be able to enter into intimacy with Yeshua Messiah. Only sometimes, the issue of impatience and wanting to have our inheritance now when it has not yet reached it culmination; tend to crop up every now and then. But this is but a test. A test that I must and will pass by the grace of Elohim given unto me by the Messiah.

This season is something special. This season holds much promise and much fulfillment in it. However far-fetched it may seem to others and sometimes even to myself, I am fully convinced of the vision He has given me and I will see it to its beautiful end. I desire to lay hold of the things which Messiah Yeshua has laid hold of me. Life, superabundant life. The life not as a prodigal nor as a servant but as a son of Elohim, partakers of Yeshua's divine inheritance and every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places. Now is not the time to be impatient to see the will of Elohim accomplished, not when we have come so far. Now is the time that by patience I possess my soul, to its very end. Praise Yahweh!

-Sunday, 27th November 2016, 1 year 2 months 20 days, 0302

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