Wednesday 30 November 2016

November and more - Gifts to Men

It's amazing and yet the same time mind boggling that for me it has already been over a year since I had given up my life to come and serve Yahweh here in Glory Place, Mantin in September last year. By the grace of Elohim, I have seen and heard and experienced many things. Things which I had not even dreamed nor expected to come upon me and yet they do and much more than that. It is in these times that I am reminded how true the Word of Elohim says that whatsoever Yahweh gives unto His people He adds no sorrow therewith.

[Pro 10:22] The blessing of יהוה, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.

The blessings is not limited to earthly means though it is one of them, every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Messiah and every good and perfect gift that comes from above have I the right to partake and give in the same measure it's been given me. Yet in all this thing the Holy Spirit has shown me one thing: it's not about the gifts no matter how magnificent they are, it's about the Giver of the gifts. Every gift given is actually meant to not only bless the receiver but to also serve as a remembrance from whom he received it from. A gift is supposed to cause one's eyes whenever he enjoys the gift to look to the giver and bless him for it. Much more now our Heavenly Father who ever so desires to gift us everything pertaining to everlasting life through Messiah Yeshua.

[Eph 4:7-8] But unto every one of us is given favour according to the measure of the gift of the Messiah. Wherefore he saith, When He ascended up on high, He led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.

All that we have and all that we enjoy and possess is from Yahweh through Yeshua unto us. Everything points to Him and needless to say our lives ought to point others to Him as well. We have the free gift of not just salvation by Yeshua but eternal life through Yeshua as well.

[Eph 2:8] For by favour are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of יהוה:

[Rom 6:23] For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of יהוה is eternal life through Yeshua the Messiah our Saviour.

It's times like these I look back as to what the Holy Spirit has brought me through and I am so grateful and amazed at the work He has wrought in my life. True, there are times when I go through a roller-coaster of a journey but everyday I hold the conviction that it is always one step forward, one step upward. No matter how tipsy the day may be it will always be another step forward and upward for me. I remember reading that Smith Wigglesworth once said that if there is no progress we have already backslided. At the beginning I had always wondered how that could be so? Not everyone could experience the life he was enjoying in Yeshua but then the Holy Spirit gave me the revelation. We can. Through Him. No matter what circumstance I may be in, no matter the issue that crops up that challenges my stand or my take on all this; it is clear that if I put my trust in Yeshua Messiah I shall never be put to shame. I shall be yet brought nearer to Him in intimacy and in likeness so that when He returns I should be like Him.

[I really should put the verses in but they are exceptionally long and a bit ancient in their English to fully grasp hold of their meanings. I'll just leave the references here instead. Praise Yahweh.]

( Ephesians 1, 3; Philippians 1, 2:13; Colossians 1, 2)

-Thursday, 1st December 2016, 1 year 2 months 24 days, 0211

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