Thursday 1 December 2016

Yeshua, the Focal Point

Over the course of my stay here in Glory Place Mantin I had the privilege of witnessing up close the lives of the young people and the journey each of them take in Yeshua as they continue to walk onto perfection in Him and I find that many of us have yet to understand just what it means to be children of Elohim. Only a few people I have seen that have the substance of it and not just in theory. They live out the life that Yeshua died to give unto them and that is truly a blessing to see them continue on in breakthrough after breakthrough.

Two from Semarak that I see have that life of Yeshua actively taking over time is Jeremy and Joey. Of course they are one of the longest young people to have been in this ministry and thus they have had years and years of refining and cleansing to be able to enjoy the life of the Son of Elohim and to live as sons and not as paupers. I believe that as they continue on for a bit longer soon enough the fullness that they seek for their lives will be made manifest and then they will truly begin to see what it means to live as a son of Elohim. In Semarak they are the closest in my personal perspective and in Glory Place it is none other than the man of valour himself: Jefrin.

I have had the privilege of working under and with Jefrin in many aspect as our duties require of us to perform. And through it all I see that he has the life of Yeshua in him. True that sometimes he does struggle in the fleshy matters weighing him down but he understands that it the change he desires is not of him but of Yeshua Who lives in him. As he continues on he knows and I know that it will all dissipate in the end and he will be set free. Despite his offset background I find that he truly understands what it is to be a son of Yahweh through faith. He just believes and speaks what he believes and it is done. How simple and how effective that is! I find that of all the people that blesses me, the blessings Jefrin gives and pronounces over someone is the more effective because he understands the nature of just being and not trying to be a son. I commend Jefrin, despite his faults he is a true son of Elohim and though he has ways to go just like the rest of us; he is one step ahead. He will go much further than any of us can even believe and by the grace of Elohim may what he has received be imparted to the rest of us. Yahweh knows that we really need it.

It's more than trying now, in fact it's not about trying at all. I remember yesterday's worship session together with Caleb and I just found that he was trying to worship rather than just allowing the Holy Spirit to glorify Himself through us. When we come to worship what do we bring? We most certainly do not bring ourselves because if there is anything of ourselves then Yeshua cannot be fully glorified. There will always be something of us there if we bring it into our worship. I understand that sometimes we become tired and weary because of the tasks given to us carry on throughout the day but it is in His presence that I learned the essential thing we all need. Just like how you leave your shoes at the door of the sanctuary and come in bare feet the same is that we ought to leave ourselves at the gate of the house of Yahweh and entire only and solely by and through Yeshua Messiah.

When we bring our tiredness and our weights in with us to worship I find that we also project the same weariness to others as well. Not so. What we should give is the Lord Yeshua Messiah and His life ought to flow through each and every one of us. His life makes us sons. His blood gives us legitimacy as sons to be loved and disciplined as sons and not as mere strangers. I find that the more we focus on our errors, our sins and where we fall we tend to extol it higher up. Because whatsoever a man thinketh so is he. And if we keep thinking upon our sins and where we fall short are we not in some way exalting that error in our lives and putting it on the pedestal for all to behold? It's like when you are drawn to someone. Their face, features and characteristics flood your thoughts. You desire to speak only about them and nothing else. You lift them high up in your regards to them. In another sense, you've put them on a pedestal in your life and isn't this sometimes what we tend to do with our sins? Our faults, our temptations, our strugglings; all of them cloud our thoughts daily. We tend to disclose more of the errors in our ways rather than speaking and remembering He who died to remove these errors once and for all from us. We put them on a pedestal. Seriously not so.

Yes, the need to address the sin is there and is needed sometimes but to confront them is not within ourselves because we were born into their territory. Our mortal bodies is their playground and if we think that we can rid ourselves entirely of their influences for good then it's better that we seek for an early martyrdom for the cause of the Gospel of Messiah. As long as we remain in this body and this is my belief that you need not share with, sin can never truly be removed until Yeshua returns bringing with Him true salvation to the corruption of our mortal bodies. We may be crucified, dead, and buried but until the prophetic act becomes a physical reality we will only have a foretaste of what is waiting for us when Yeshua returns: a complete doing away of sin and the sinful body. The key to overcome is simple and that is Yeshua. Speak Yeshua, think of Yeshua, love Yeshua, have your thoughts focused more on Him and what He has done rather than what you have done. Because with what you occupy your thoughts with, that you extol and as for me I want to extol the Lord Yeshua in my life. Let everything just be about Yeshua, stop caring about your sin. The more you strive against the sinful nature the more you rile it up against yourself and the easier you will fall. Have your focus shifted to Yeshua and soon enough the sins troubling you and the notions of it will and must leave in the name of Yeshua. When a runner falls on the ground he doesn't bemoan that he fell and he doesn't shed tears over it. He gets up and continues on, there's a race to finish. And we having stepped on dung do not cry about our dirtied shoes or lift up our voice in anger and outrage. We find some water and clean it off and then go about our day. Life's much more than sin, life is Yeshua and Yeshua is our life. Focus on that and you will see life manifest sooner than you hope for.

-Friday, 2nd December 2016, 1 year 2 months 25 days, 0154

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