Saturday 3 December 2016

Season of Younger People

I am happy. So very happy right now because Yahweh has indeed confirmed not my words but His words which He has spoken concerning myself and others as well. This is indeed the season that the Holy Spirit had properly revealed to me and it truly is the time for the young people. I am glad for the revealing of the sons of Elohim here in this ministry and thought they are few I believe that many more shall arise out of this. Right now of all that I can observe and see, I have only found four among the young people that truly understands what it means to be sons of Elohim and not trying to be. They understand that it is not within their capabilities or understanding of the Word of Elohim even but because of the life giving Spirit, Yeshua Messiah that is in them that gives them the life of a son of Elohim. They understand that change of life can only come in and through Yeshua Messiah, both the Word of Elohim and the life giving Spirit. They just be rather than try to be and that is their greatest asset in knowing Elohim. Jeremy, Joey, Jefrin, and Danti. And I am so pleased to be able to observe their lives and see their growth in Messiah. Praise Yahweh for them but that does not mean there is no potential whatsoever in the rest of them. They have it, but only in the head knowledge department. The words have not yet taken root and have not yet been made flesh in their lives just yet. They speak what they know rather than speak from what they have experienced drawing from the Word of Elohim. Wisdom is the practical application of knowledge and the knowledge that we have we have yet to put into practice.

This is the season for the younger people. Meaning for those who are younger than me age wise. This is their time and their season that the Holy Spirit had revealed to me. Inasmuch as Yeshua has led me through all these seasons to continue to mould me, break me, humble me and to bring me out into my rich fulfillment in Himself; now is the time that He will be doing the same for the younger generation in this particular season. But where there is a greater breakthrough incoming there will be a greater opposition to the will of Elohim being accomplished by the principalities and powers. And I can clearly see that if the young people are able to overcome what the enemy will bring towards them then they shall receive much more than we all have already from Yahweh.

I believe in Haggai 2:9:

[Hag 2:9] The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith יהוה of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith יהוה of hosts.

Not just that the church and the body of Messiah shall be greater in glory and manifestation of power and the kingdom of Elohim but in another regard altogether. I believe that as we are the house of Elohim and the residing place of His Spirit, that with each successive generation their glory in Yeshua Messiah shall be greater than the former generation. In other words, those younger than me have the great privilege to experience more than I have experienced. The power, the kingdom, the riches, everything in Messiah inasmuch as I have received aplenty they have the opportunity to receive double, triple, as much as they want just because of Haggai 2:9.

Therefore this season is crucial for them. From what has been revealed to me by the grace of Elohim this season encapsulates Matthew Gabriel, James, Daniel Chai, Sebastian, Darryl, Samson, Anderias, Ishak, Deon Phillip, Philo Matthew, and of course Megan. Something is coming for them and it is nothing like what they have experienced so far. The enemy comes in subtly like never before and will indeed pose to them a challenge like none before it. Relationships. Whether it be mutual friendship or even romantic, this season the enemy will come in through relationships to them. And this all won't be negative relationships in any case but rather uplifting, good ones. Ones that will build them up in the faith of the Lord Yeshua Messiah and cause them to grow and mature in Him. However it will be here that their loyalty will be tested: whether they treasure the time spent more around godly friends rather than with Elohim Himself. It is here that they will and must find out: what exactly did they come here for? For friendship? Romance? Even a company of like minded believers? Or for Yeshua? Are their hearts tuned to fellowship with godly men or with Elohim?

This is it for them. If they cannot overcome then they will be severely sidetracked for a long while in this particular season but if they can overcome than we shall see the beginnings of many Samuels, Davids, Pauls, Peters, but much more Yeshua Messiah. His life made manifest in them. And they will begin to move and flow in the Spirit and through them we shall see massive breakthroughs taking place not just limiting it to Glory Place but spreading forth to nations. And it is my privilege to be able to be given the honor to observe their journey in this by the Holy Spirit. Now is the time for me to discern and to pray and to wait and see. Now I take a backseat and see what Yahweh wants and desires to do in the lives of these young people. Surely exciting things are ahead for us all. Praise Yahweh.

-Sunday, 4th December 2016, 1 year 2 months 27 days, 0404

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