Friday 9 December 2016

Fasting and Breakthrough

This will probably be my last post for a while because the Young People's Camp is once again on the horizon and it brings a myriad of expectations with it. The theme is 'On Earth As It Is In Heaven' and so I have a feeling that we will be learning just what it means to live a life of Heaven while on earth. This is exciting.

I will hopefully keep this short because I would like to sleep soon. I have quite the day planned out Elohim willing and it requires a bit of down time just to rest in Him. We have just completed our monthly 3 days corporate fast and pray and for me there was breakthrough as usual. In fact, I find it quite peculiar that we don't experience breakthrough day after day. The life we live here should mirror that of Yeshua's in heaven and surely it is a life walking in constant victory against sin and opposition. To even remain stagnant for a day would mean that somewhere along the line the enemy have accomplished what they had set out to do on that day to hinder our growth in Yahweh. Anyways, this particular fast was hard on me because I realize that the breakthrough I would receive would not just be for me but for the corporate body of Messiah as well. Not to mention we fast for the breakthrough of the young peoples attending said camp. The second day was rough on me; everywhere I turned I saw temptation. Tired and weary I thought about ending it all by drinking that bottle of Pepsi I had in the fridge waiting for me. For a long time I waged this war in my mind about whether to cut short the fast or not. But praise Yahweh that He saw me through till the end. I remember making a passing remark that the blood of Yeshua was more than enough for me and He was faithful to confirm His word which I had somehow spoken. During the night session as I partook the blood of Yeshua in the symbolic form of a drink I did not drink liquid, what came to my mind was that I was partaking life.

I'm not too sure how to explain this but I felt like life just flowed into me at that moment and it wrought great effects on my body. I felt every tiredness and weariness immediately leave me, I experienced the joy of Yahweh come upon me and I found that I was deeply satisfied to the point I can continue on in the fast until the very last hour. It just goes to show that whatever we speak carries weight because as the sons of Elohim we have authority in the name of Yeshua. Whatsoever we may proclaim, it can be good or evil will surely come to pass because Yahweh has promised to confirm the words of His servants and perform the counsel of His messengers. Praise Yahweh for that. Looks like it's time now. I will see you soon, Elohim willing.

-Saturday, 10th December 2016, 1 year 3 months 3 days, 0513

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