Saturday 17 December 2016

Young People's Camp: Sharpening

The Young People's Camp 'On Earth As It Is In Heaven' has just ended this afternoon and it was most certainly an intriguing camp for me to say the least. Of all the camps that I had already attended, this particular camp was quite the oddity. I don't know how to explain it but to me it was as though the reality of the warfare that we Christians face everyday became such a reality to me. Originally, I had wanted to just enjoy myself in this camp and yet I found myself entering a battle zone against the workings of the enemy not only coming against me but against the other young peoples as well. Both long time serving young people and new faces alike were not exempted from partaking of this battle whether they realized it or not. To me, this was the camp to sharpen the gift of discernment that Yahweh had graciously blessed me with through the Holy Spirit. This camp was the camp where I had the privilege to go through with a different perspective than I once did not have in previous camps. I went to battle.

There were many sorts of young people that come for this camp but this is a first for me that so many of them had unresolved issues and rebellious problems in their families. Many of them were so young and yet they were involved with so many vices. But the breakthrough was massive and impacting on each of them, so much so that they desire to give up their worldly pursuits to serve Elohim. Of course when the breakthrough was incredible, it had to be hard fought. Day after day Pastor Jean talked nonstop about spiritual warfare and the spiritual state of the young people. Day after day deliverance and repentance was taking place to oust the enemy and to be infilled with the Holy Spirit. Praise Yahweh that so many breakthroughs had occurred in the lives of the young people and that many of them were set free and that indeed is something to rejoice over in Messiah for His goodness towards His people. However, I saw a different war being waged amongst the staff and helpers of this ministry.

For those who are new to this ministry, the enemy was blatant and evident in their works but for each and everyone serving here the enemy was extremely subtle. I cannot even begin to describe just how subtle they were but unless someone was paying close attention then you wouldn't even notice them. I see in the majority of the staff and helpers: a desire for a breakthrough which they should have had a long while ago but now are only pursuing it. For me all of this began in Israel and most certainly vestiges of it still remain and it is surprising just what we took back with us from there. I haven't written it down yet but I believe that now is the time. It was in Jerusalem that I had received a breakthrough in the leading by the Spirit in my life. My eyes were opened and my ears made attentive to what the Spirit is saying to the church. Although there are times where I get it wrong, it is in times like these that I see Yahweh is refining the gift of discernment in me. What I say comes to pass, whether a proclamation, a passing remark, or even just a thought in the heart they all come to pass one way or another. Such authority I had not realised was in my mouth and I praise Yeshua for opening it to me.

In Jerusalem I was quite saddened by the fact that our team, although there was such wondrous testimonies from them did not fully receive what Yahweh had in store for them there. For many of us who were going there for the first time, it could be said that there should be some leeway but no such thing can be said for sons of Elohim. After the first harp worship session, we became really lax. So relaxed that we enjoyed our stay there instead of being on guard against the workings of the enemy even there. There was massive breakthrough there for each and every young people because I myself received of it but it really bums me that not many caught that breakthrough. In the city of the great King, we took joy in the city rather than the great King. Instead of visiting the King of the city, we just went around His city. No wonder there was no breakthrough and in this Young People's Camp I see that that came back to haunt them.

This Young People's Camp I see that our young people desire such a breakthrough and yet I can't help but feel that the breakthrough which they are now seeking should have been theirs months ago. I see a laxness in our watching against the enemy. All it takes is just a little fox to spoil the entire grapevine. I remember that in the first few days of the camp that there were three times that the people all danced, holding hands and going around in a circle. Jewish tradition. And one time where they performed a victory dance learnt from Jerusalem by the Africans. I have been told by so many people that it is of the Spirit, we ought not to judge and that I have become so hard hearted. But I must call it as it is, there was nothing of Elohim in there. All I see is flesh and emotion, nothing but a spur of the moment thing. I wasn't offended when I was called such a critic. But I however was saddened that our people could not tell what was blatantly screaming out 'flesh' when it was right under their noses. Sometimes we really do get caught up, but not in the Spirit. To me, it felt as though all the warfare that we waged against the enemy, all the ground we took from them was nullified with just that African dance. Seriously though. Because of that I was really oppressed in my mind and had no peace whatsoever for a while. But soon after as I just entered the sanctuary a bit earlier than usual, I heard David Huan worshipping on the harp Matthew 16:19:

[Mat 16:19] And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

That set me free. I had peace once again and I laid hold of the words in the verse. I bound the works of the flesh and just loosed the awesome presence of Elohim for the upcoming night session in a few minutes' time. Even though they had that dance again, what I saw soon after was astounding. As soon as the excitement and energy died down, as soon as the young people could not open their mouths to worship there came such an awesome presence of the Holy Spirit that came down on us. Those who could still worship on I felt broke through and had what they came for but even for those who could not worship they were soon recharged up and this time by the power of Elohim and not of themselves. There was a banner march and it was awesome. Pastor Jean said it was awesome and it truly was awesome. At first I did not understand how or why it could be so awesome but then I realised that this is what Pastor meant by a heavenly dance instead of an earthly one. What's more on the last day of the camp Yahweh just gave me the word that a banner march is indeed awesome and Biblical as well.

[Son 6:4] Thou art beautiful, O my love, as Tirzah, comely as Jerusalem, awesome as an army with banners.

Mind blowing really. That despite of what people say and think of me I am glad that I have received the correction of my discernment and that Yeshua continues to sharpen this gift in me. Long ago, I had asked of Yeshua for many things but what I really desired are four essentials: Discernment, Life, Rest, and Authority in Speech. And I am glad that Yahweh grants the desire of my heart in the Lord Yeshua Messiah by the Holy Spirit.

Overall, this camp for me was needed to continue honing what Yahweh had given me and to continue on in the way which He called me to walk, in the Spirit. Not to boast or anything like that but just to glorify the name of Yeshua because He is worthy to be praised. All that He had wrought in my life is slowly bearing fruition and I know that all I have to do is to just surrender and obey to the leading of His Holy Spirit working in me. As we draw to a close of 2016, 2017 looks unpredictable and yet I know it shall all work out for my favour in the end simply because I have the Hope of glory living in me. This truly is the acceptable year of Yahweh.

-Saturday, 17th December 2016, 1 year 3 months 10 days, 2329

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