Monday 16 January 2017

From Dark to Light

It's good that sometimes I see things not turning out in my favour or as how I had envisioned it to be. It just goes to show me that I have yet much in me to be cleansed off from and that of all that I have already received and been gifted with it is just but the beginning of much more. My errors cause me to see the necessity of a Saviour in my life and it is good to know to such things causes me to cleave all the more to Yeshua. To love Him more than my necessary bread.

It has been a while since I had last blogged apparently and it has been longer since I had last been to morning devotion which begins every weekday at 8am to 10am due to the needs of the recording being done before the upcoming due day of Wednesday. That is not to say my day begins late but rather I wake up to continue recording in recent days. Today was apparently a free day in the morning and so I had every opportunity to come and join the morning devotion like before. That is until my father texted me 6 something or other in the morning. I thought it would just be about something or even nothing but apparently he came armed. All of a sudden he began to criticise my way of living and the staying conditions of the boys' dorm are not up to standard and thus many complaints have begun to pour in. This is actually the first time I'm hearing this because of the times I've asked the boys who stay here in the dorm with me as to whether they enjoy it here or would they rather shift elsewhere, they unanimously say they enjoy staying here. Like a sanctuary beside the sanctuary rarely does anyone come up here and that is why the boys have every liberality to be as they are. Not to say that they are left unchecked but rather they can just talk freely here and be themselves. That is also not to say that they do as they please, we have made it a point to keep the places we stay as neat and clean as we are able and suiting our tastes. Not to mention that they to the best that they can try to attend the meetings and services and that is why I'm there to just monitor them apparently as I've been told. But not everyone's taste are the same so there will always be those who are looking to step on toes.

My father really hammered into me that I have been suppressing the opinions of the boys. If that is the case then what else can I really say? My father is always right even when he is wrong he must be right. Though we sometimes agree on many things there is something that always causes contention: the method of execution. My father is a doer, applying what he has learnt in his years to his methods of training and teaching me, my sister and the young people and even to the advice of the older ones. But as for me I have already received my mandate and solution to every problem that really causes a problem to crop up in his teaching me: I do nothing.

Yahweh has taught me a long time ago that really the solution to everything is to just do nothing and let Elohim be Elohim. What is a god if not a force or higher power that must be worshipped and adored? A god is something or someone that demands full attention and obeisance and that a god would decide one's course of life. That is Who Yahweh is to us but more than that to His sons and daughters He is our Heavenly Father. And my Heavenly Father has already taught me that the key to everything is just to look unto Yeshua, the Author and Perfector of our faith. To just be still and to know that He is Elohim over our lives. That means He governs every course of action we take.

Personally, that is what I enjoy doing best; nothing. I had long ago since asked the Holy Spirit to take over and to give me rest and He is performing the former and had given me the latter. There is nothing better than that a man should rest in Elohim and cease from his own works. Now I do not count out the fact that there will come a time when even we must take action but for me I have seen and witness and testify to the fact that everything that has happened thus far has only happened so wonderfully beyond what I can imagine simply because I did nothing. The Holy Spirit told me that I ought to do nothing so that I might receive everything He has from me and know I see that this not only applies to me but I believe to everyone as well.

Praise Yahweh! You know I had begun this writing with the intent for something else but now I am just so ministered to and lifted up in my spirits. Lagenda is about to begin now and more than that I am delighted once again. I came pondering over what my father had said and though he may be right, it still weighed me down aplenty. But now, it is not on my part to perform. It's all of the work of the Spirit now and for that I am glad. I came unprepared to share the Word of Elohim but now I'm so charged up. How awesome and wonderful it is to be in the hands of the living Elohim to them that are His sons and daughters for He bears us up above His everlasting arms if we ever should stumble and fall.

-Monday, 16th January 2017, 1 year 4 months 9 days, 2009

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