Monday 23 January 2017

Trials and Tribulations

A flurry of emotions are swelling up within me like a storm. I feel angry but not at anyone in particular. It's the enemy that I'm angry with because they had dared to touch my family and more so those I love. But I am also quite saddened that no one sees this, that what they're going through is nothing but the contentions of the enemy against the fulfillment of the Word of Elohim in their lives. They can preach and preach all they like about how they've already overcame or are overcoming and yet when the enemy comes in they immediately begin to sway like dry leaves in the wind. It just really puts a dent in my heart to know especially that my loved ones can talk the talk but when the time comes to walk they fail with stride.

Not to condemn them but I simply put them into remembrance unto Yahweh that this is simply the results of not listening to what He says through different people and means. Though a drunkard after having drunk his fill repents, he must still bear the fruit of drunkenness and that comes from over drinking oneself. Though a driver repents over causing the death of someone other in an accident he must still bear the fruit of death that has come. Likewise now the years looking back have once again returned to haunt not just my family but my friends as well. The years past are surely catching up to them and when they do it will swallow them whole.

No one wants to forget, and that will be their destruction. Everyone wants to remember the good times long past and the times used for learning but despite all this we have been commanded to never look behind ever again.

[Luk 9:62] And Yeshua said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of יהוה.

And yet we still do. To our own hurts and demise. I thank Yahweh truly for He has given me even the gift to forget because now I see that I am but a fraction together with those who want to move forward never bringing anything, any extra baggages with them. Why do we still remember our past? It is evil. Why do we still draw our pattern of living from our past when our pattern is He Who is? Yeshua is the great I AM. He is ever present and never past. So why? Why?

I am deeply troubled by this because I see that now Megan is especially being duped by the enemy and despite what I have told her she is now beginning to fall into a pit. There is nothing that I can do, period. The warning has been giving and now the burden laid on me is that by the sure mercies of Elohim that He would bring her up once again. She is caught up in a swell of her own emotions. And it is those same emotions that will destroy her if she is not careful. That is also a critical point that I see in my father. Despite the good that he does he thinks that he is capable of all things but now is the time for his own shakings to come. True that with Messiah in us we are able to do all things but as of yet I have not seen Messiah in my family doing all things. It's all pretend and for show. Now is the time that Yahweh wants to move but simply because we think that we are ever capable to do His work for Him then He will not move one bit.

The time is coming not just for the both of them but even for us all. The Holy Spirit demands complete respect and obeisance to His voice and ways. If we will not be led willingly then He, being gentle as He is will lead us no further until we come to an end of ourselves. And I am concerned because the time that humanity came to an end of itself was because of the flood. Will we have to likewise perish in the flesh so that the spirit may be saved in the day of our Lord Yeshua Messiah?

All this is not by coincidence. With the seminar 'Harp and Bowl; On Earth As It Is In Heaven' just around the corner the enemy has pulled out all the stops and have begun to send their Goliaths to us. Now Yahweh is looking for His Davids but are we willing to be taught by Him just as how David was or will we begin to put our trust in our own ways like Saul did and we surely know how his end was. This is exciting to know that all that I have said has been confirmed one way or another, whether good or bad it had all been confirmed. Now is indeed the time of breakthrough but can we actually breakthrough or will the enemy break us instead?

-Monday, 23rd January 2017, 1 year 4 months 16 days

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