Tuesday 24 January 2017

Long Post

It's here now. Tomorrow is the beginning of the 40th National Prayer Advance 'Harp and Bowl; On Earth As It Is In Heaven'. The advance will continue on for a full 10 days and even then during the middle of the advance will be the Harp School held for the first time and most certainly not the last time. Leading up to it all the preparations made for this seminar has been varied and somewhat different than the previous ones that I had attended before. Usually, the days before the seminar are quite busy and meticulous and everyone is scurrying about getting everything and anything done in preparation for the advance and that includes myself. But for the past 3 days and even today I'd reckon, it has been free and easy due to the constant down pouring of the rain ranging from a small drizzle to a robust shower; coating Glory Place with a cool mist and chilly weather throughout the days recently.

Now here I am, writing this particular post even so early in the morning and I know that there are those who are even awake now working on the harps, reading the Bible, worshipping, praying, and taking the watches prayerfully here, in Semarak, and even in CRC. Looking back the road that has been paved for this particular advance is one wrought with many a trials and tribulations. Much more to myself than to others. Not to say that anyone is exempted but the privilege to warfare is given to all sons of Elohim and we would be missing out on so much simply because we become afraid of what should come upon us. Breakthrough only begins amidst breaking within ourselves and upon our enemies. In the days leading up to this advance I have been bombarded by many things: physical manifestations of the enemy. Ulcers, hurts, physical pains in the body, spots. Mental instability from those around me trying to shake me. Old hurts, flaming emotions, grieves and sorrows. And even spiritual dryness. The urge to continue on in my clinging sins, the need to pick up the phone always and the needless succumbing to temptation and sin. And yet I am glad. Why?

You cannot begin to imagine just how happy I am. It is such a joy that encompasses me about and such a peace that I can enjoy constantly. Through all this even as we draw near to the advance I can see already the end of it. Even writing now at 4 in the morning and just looking outside my window I am reminded of the many murmurings and complaints that have come my way due to my incompetence and yet I just feel such a peace that is falling not only on me right now but on the entirety of Glory Place. The glory of Yahweh is alighting upon us here and now. I am glad that all these things have come upon me for many a reasons but I suppose that one of the main reasons is that because Elohim is giving me the privilege to live what I preach about. He has given me the honour of going through what I have always spoken of and now I see that Yeshua Messiah is so real unto me. In the midst of my issues the Messiah is lifted because where I am at my weakest He is shown the strongest in and through me.

[2Co 12:9-10] And He said unto me, My favour is sufficient for thee: for My strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of the Messiah may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for the Messiah's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

It feels like I could just keep smirking like this all night long because throughout this time of patience and perfecting of His work I myself am being perfected. This all points in the lack of power within myself to overcome and instead points to the unshakable fact that only in Yeshua is my hope. Without Him I am lost, perished in the wilderness but now because of Him I have every reason to smile and be glad even in the times when I ought to be saddened. I know full well that if now in my current state of mind and thought I were to be perfected I would without a doubt leave Messiah and instead trust in the power of myself. My faults cause me to cling and cleave for everything unto Yeshua and even now the most basic things I have begun to see will be marred without His Spirit leading me into and through it.

This will most certainly be a long post. About time I'd reckon and I will be spending time just laying it down. I have much to say and yet as time continues on the need to speak it out becomes lessened and lessened. Because I see that why should I complain to any other when I can just bring my cares to the One Who cares for me and just abandon myself at feet? I know the power of silent prayer and thanksgiving, not giving voice my problems and issues and not bringing it forth to man who may or may not have the answer but rather to Yahweh Who knows all things and performs all things. Not to say that I should not share my burden with any other but now I find that even that requires discernment because not everyone can carry my weight and vice versa. What you go through might not necessarily be something that I can help you with much less bear together with you. And even then there are those who think the burden will be lightened if shared across the board with everyone which might be true sometimes but most certainly not everytime. Which is why I find that now the greatest solution to all things is just to abandon myself to Yahweh let Him be my Elohim.

Actually I didn't really want to write about all this but instead I had wanted to just express how awesome Yahweh has been in bringing me through all this preparation for the upcoming advance and yet here we are. How wonderful. I find myself just bubbling inside right now with such a song of praise unto Elohim simply because He is worthy of it all. I am reminded constantly that the greatest blessing He has thus far blessed me with is not material blessings, not the family extended unto me, not the many revelations in His Word even but simply what Paul says:

[1Co 8:3] But if any man love יהוה, the same is known of Him.

To know Him and be known by Him is the single greatest pleasure I have felt throughout my time and stay here for the past year or so. On account of everything that has thus transpired in my life, through all its ups and downs it all leads upwards and there is nothing greater than to know Yeshua for Who He is and to lay hold of Him inasmuch as He has laid hold of us.

[Phi 3:12] Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of the Messiah Yeshua.

And now it is drawing ever so near: the day of the beginning of the advance and even as I believe a breakthrough and a change so marvellous that we will either be pushed upwards or shaken downwards by it. This advance I have thus far with my own eyes witnessed great warfare unlike those before it that even those who appear standing are shaking before the storms and winds ahead of them and those appearing shaking are standing on solid rock. It is here in this seminar that many a changes will begin to take place without a doubt. It is here that I believe those who were thought at the back seat will now rise up and those on the top will be brought to humility. It is here that the plans of many men and women, though they being the sons and daughters of Elohim will be moved into wondrous paths so unexpected that it will be obviously the hand of Yahweh upon them. Breakthrough cometh and only those willing to step up to face the Goliaths and be the Davids Yahweh is looking for will get it. This will be a marvellous time for the people of Elohim but more so for those who will be able to breakthrough because I know that no one will ever be the same after this advance one way or another. To put it to a beautiful close:

[Psa 2:1-4] Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against יהוה, and against His Anointed, saying, Let us break Their bands asunder, and cast away Their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: יהוה shall have them in derision.

[Psa 59:8] But Thou, O יהוה, shalt laugh at them; Thou shalt have all the heathen in derision.

Now is the time I hear the Heavenly Father laughing at the counsels of men and where He will show that only His will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven. Now is also the time that He will be laughing with joy with His sons and daughters as they begin to manifest in this season. Truly the season of breakthroughs have come at last! Praise Yeshua!

-Wednesday, 25th January 2017, 1 year 18 days, 0444

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