Saturday 28 January 2017

Timelessness In Time

It's now 3 days-ish into the seminar and I'm already losing track of the time and the days. The days are just breezing through and time is becoming more and more irrelevant. This in itself is a wondrous breakthrough because this is the first time experiencing eternity during the seminars. Back then I used to see all my duties as duties, it was my obligation to perform them but now something has changed. It's hard to describe but really it is about a change in the perspective. Pastor Jean talked many times to us young people about experiencing eternity and now I'm beginning to see it coming to past.

This seminar thus far is far different in the sense that to me it has been very chilled to a sense. I'm seeing my work as no work and where my help is needed whatever it may be I'm more than happy to oblige despite appearances. In fact I'd reckon that the amount of work for this seminar concerning me has been decreased exponentially and now all the time I can chill even when I work it's pretty chilled as a particular brother of mine enjoys to say. Even now there is no better word to best describe my situation here in this seminar. Even though sometimes I lack sleep, even though sometimes I see troubles brewing, even though sometimes I miss those moments all in all it's very chilled here with me. Praise Yahweh.

I feel set free, whatever I need to do I can because I have the Spirit of liberty in me that freely gives me all things to enjoy thus. Although not everything edified myself or the brethren but nonetheless I have the liberty to do so. It's only on my part whether I want to do thus for the building up of my walk with Elohim or for the tearing down of said walk through various means and lusts. It's as though I am as comfortable here as I am at home, the same liberty that belongs only in the house is now being made manifest here in this seminar for me.

Looking back on what I've written it looks pretty gnarly and bad to a tee. But I just don't know how to describe just how free I am. I see all things working together for my betterment if not now then it will be treasured up for a later time. How absolutely wonderful and now I can see that change is coming. Change from which I do not know what to expect of and from. People are changing, the times are changing, but we have an Elohim Who never changes. We put our hope on and in Him and His Son Yeshua Messiah. Something wonderful is coming for those who are able to go through what comes next. Only the rich fulfillment, only the green pastures belong to those who first walks through fire and water.

[Psa 66:12] Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water: but Thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place.

But even then we have a living hope. In Yahweh do we trust.

[Isa 43:2-3a] When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. For I am יהוה thy Elohim, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour:

-Sunday, 29 January 2017, 1 year 4 months 22 days, 0155

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