Sunday 5 February 2017

Harp & Bowl: Warfare on Earth As It Is In Heaven

Man oh man. The things have all switched up now and there isn't any going back from it all. Not that it's something detrimental but rather something puzzling indeed. This is difficult to describe really. Changes are here and now the changes are becoming less and less subtle and more and more evident. It's now time to be shaken and on my part it is here once again. It's either we are shaken up or downwards and believe you me I have no intention whatsoever of being shaken anywhere downwards. Now is the time where it is either we adapt to the changes made or else we will most definitely lose out and I can already see in the distance that this path will be one where not many will be willing to walk and to those who walk it it will be arduous indeed if it is not of a willing and submissive heart.

My mind is broiling right now and it appears as though the seasons ahead are ones fraught with much change and events so much so that from henceforth nothing will or can ever be the same. Though yet is it still the same Elohim who brings us through times of peace and blessings abundant He too will be the one to bring us into storms of our lives and it is here that we will either sink or swim. And from the looks of it not many of us know how to swim. This really recalls back to mind that Yahweh is the same Elohim who brings us through high water and through rich pasture.

[Ecc 7:14] In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider: Elohim also hath set the one over against the other, to the end that man should find nothing after him.

[Job 2:10] But he said unto her, Thou speakest as one of the foolish women speaketh. What? shall we receive good at the hand of Elohim, and shall we not receive evil? In all this did not Job sin with his lips.

This seminar is most certainly a unique one that I have had the privilege to go through. It is one of constant dealings with me and the things surrounding me. Yahweh is shaking up the table and leaving nothing withstanding. This seminar has left me shaken up good and perhaps that is something that I have ought to have experienced for a long while now. Now the line is clear and though I may not like where the lines fall now in the end really it will turn to my advantage as per usual. Dealings after dealings after dealings have left me really really needing time to once again enter into the rest of Yeshua Messiah that He beckons to those who are His:

[Mar 6:31] And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.

Sigh, looking back on the last 10 days of the seminar it was enjoyable indeed but the warfare that I had to go through really put me to the test and even now it isn't ceasing but rather increasing all the more. I remembered that when we keep saying on earth as it is in heaven that means not just worship and intercession but even the war that is waged in the Heavenlies. That warfare has become ever so real to me and I think it my privilege to be able to go through with it because I know that in the end it is to my betterment and furtherance in Messiah Yeshua. Glory Place is being shaken and not just Mantin but everywhere the shakings are happening and are even beginning right now. Those who cannot withstand will be shaken off and those who remain will be irrevocably changed by it; some for the better, others for the worse.

Now my mind is being set on one thing right now that I sorely need, time alone with Yahweh and praise Yeshua that now that the seminar is over that exactly is what has been graciously given me. I keep remembering what has transpired for so long in the past how to brothers that I once knew but now no longer always used to contend about the need for friends to the building up of one another but now I'm beginning to see that what the latter had spoken is proving true. It is better to continue on with our walk with Elohim alone rather than to be in a company of people whose ideals though similar they may be will eventually lead them down to destruction. Not to say now that I am alone, I have those around me who indeed walk the narrow however I see those after me already going the same way of those before them.

This seminar surely is something amazing, it's just that now I cannot see what that is for the moment. However, I have a living hope and surely hope never disappoints. Hoh, now I am delighted because what I hold fast as my conviction is being tested now. I have the privilege to practice what I preach and now I see that above all I am blessed, blessed to be able to go through with all this. Many people might cringe with the trials they must go through but now even as I write a breakthrough has come upon me. I am blessed period. Simply because I go through all these warfare waging that makes me the most blessed among the lot. I shall come out on top in the name of Yeshua Messiah! Looks like the burden has lifted from my heart but yet others still remain. However they too in time will dissipate. Praise Yahweh!

-Sunday, 5th February 2017, 1 year 4 months 29 days, 2207

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