Friday 10 February 2017


It's been a while since I had last wrote and now I believe is a good time as any to write again. First of all, I'm losing grasp of the concept of time. Everyday that passes I just keep feeling the reality of eternity getting closer and closer to me. Time is becoming irrelevant and I am just beginning to feel like whether it's day or night I can just enjoy every moment that comes by. I used to see the daytime as a time to work and perform and the night is when I can let loose but now my perception of it has changed. It's all irrelevant now and whether it's day or night, I can sense the constant anointing and unction of the Holy Spirit upon me and it is He Who will give me the needs and the necessity for whatsoever time or season to fulfil His purpose. This just means that now the time for myself is beginning to dwindle down and the time for the Holy Spirit to spur me on is ever increasing.

[Psa 74:16] The day is Thine, the night also is Thine: Thou hast prepared the light and the sun.

I'm not sure whether you can understand just how free this makes me now. I used to count the minutes and the hours for every service and frankly I still do every now and then but the time right now is flowing ever so quickly that with just one look, hey 3 hours have passed just like that. The time no longer belongs to me but instead to Elohim and frankly He makes things far more interesting than I ever could. Everyday though it may monotonous is a pleasure because the work I've been given I now see is by Him and that makes the satisfaction of completing it ever sweeter. Though there may be many a things to be done I no longer need to juggle them simply because it's not my work but Yahweh's. And that means He will take care of it in and through me in His due time.

On a different note altogether, the situation around me is changing briskly. I find that everyone has a portion to say and in many respects they may be right in certain aspects but now I am left with the choice with whom to follow through with? Many people and those closer to me have begun to share their thoughts about many matters and each of them are right in their own sense but sometimes conflict would arise because of differing opinions. Anyways now I can see my faults and obviously others but more so it begins from within and never without. The problems arise not because of our surroundings' fault but instead they serve to point to within us that we have a problem with everything around us. However there will be times when it will be the other way around but from the many times I have encountered such things, it's always been me. And that is good, thankfully I had rather it be me than anyone else because this is to my advantage as per usual.

All things whether good or bad I can now see is to my advantage because they all direct me to Yeshua. If it is something good I have reason to give thanks to Elohim for it and if it is bad then such situations causes me to turn and cleave unto Him for my deliverance and help. It's not to say that the things around me have begun to change drastically but rather because my perception of them has changed now things begin to look different to me as to how it once was.

Many things have begun to take place and as times goes own surely it will all reach a climax. I can only hope in Elohim for in Him is my everlasting strength. Only He is able to see me through until the end of all things and matters. Doubtless it will all come to a culmination in the end.

[Psa 42:11] Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope thou in Elohim: for I shall yet praise Him, who is the health of my countenance, and my Elohim.

-Saturday, 11th February 2017, 1 year 5 months 4 days, 1045

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