Wednesday 15 March 2017


In the end, I find that what is coming next on my part is most certainly interesting. I have become involved with the transcribing of Pastor Jean's new book and as such I am asked to transcribe word for word everything that she has said. That has got me thinking really good. But more than that this has got me really excited.

It's not even a week into it and already I have received advice from my sister that I didn't want to hear. Then again, it is all just a bit of murmuring and grumbling on my part so this particular paragraph should be left out. But then again...

Sigh, I really love my sister but we tend to butt heads more often than not and that really causes me to ponder everytime whether or not she is doing well or no. Not to say that we don't have times where we were like chums but in the end we tend to be at two different polarities with each other. But of course you know what they say:

[Pro 27:17] Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.

I think this verse has been misquoted for so long. People, whenever they get into arguments or disputes with one another just love to quote this verse but they don't realise what it really means. When iron sharpens iron both edges become sharper, refined, and easier to cut with. And that has been likened to us as well. We are of the same pedigree in the sense that we as sons, brothers and sisters in Messiah ought to sharpen one another and not just find time to use this verse to justify our arguments.

[1Pe 2:5] Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to יהוה by Yeshua the Messiah.

With all our different opinions and whatnot then we ought to come out of it sharper and sharper still. Not using our edge to cut one another but to become more refined in the Word of Elohim and with our walk with Yahweh. Offense arise simply because we have yet to learn how to see the benefits of sometimes people not on the same wavelength with one another.

I remember that Caleb once said to me that though we are in the same ministry, each of us have differing convictions and personal beliefs. In reality we don't have to necessarily agree with one another on all things. Which I found I agreed to because that had been the case for me with many things that I have witnessed and have been taught thus far. Not to promote insubordination or clashing ideals. But simply I believe that as long as we are still in the physically corrupted flesh of a tent there will be a hindrance to the peace and unity we long for in Messiah. However all these differences make up an intricate and unique combination, each having a distinct but equal part to play. We are all one body but having many different parts and organs performing differing tasks. The eye cannot do what hands can and vice versa.

So in truth, it is good that we have our differences in views and opinions on certain matters. This means we have much to learn from one another and can benefit greatly. Only sometimes this leads to many a debates and disputes; most of which ends us with people being offended and apprehensive with one another. But in reality we ought to grow with one another, pushing one another and sharpening one another. Just like how iron sharpens iron and makes it all the more better, with every confrontation of sorts we ought to become more resilient, efficient, and cohabitate​ with one another more so.

-Friday, 17th March 2017, 1 year 6 months 10 days, 0354

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