Monday 20 March 2017

Welcoming Change

Everyone is beginning to change. It's not just everyone, but everything in regards to the works of Yahweh. I can see clearly that everyone is not the same as they were months prior and although subtly, change is beginning to occur ever more frequently. Frankly, that is something to rejoice over simply because it means that there is progression in our walks with Elohim and Messiah. If nothing changes, everything is at standstill and standing still and not continuing is most certainly a dangerous notion. Yahweh has His own plan and purpose for each of us and yet Yahweh waits for not a soul, we in fact wait for Him as a servant waits for the Master or a son his father.

Job once said something I found quite interesting, pretty much summing up a Christian's life in one sentence:

[Job 10:17b] Changes and war are against me,

In the New King James Bible, it says that changes and war are ever with me and I find that to be ever so true. We are always reminded that we are in a constant state of warfare with the enemy. As long as we are in this world, we are at war with the enemy of our soul, our fleshly ways and corruptible character traits. So long as we are in this tent we are at war and when war comes then also comes change. In fact, I realise when we walk with Yahweh we cannot hope but to change as we continue to press onwards with Him.

Change is not something to shun away from but to embrace because whether good or bad, changes tells us of our current situations and where exactly do we stand amidst it all. Is our walk aright with Messiah Yeshua? Or is our walk slowly coming to a halt and sliding backwards ever so slightly? In all this there is a change, whether of the renewing of the mind, the improvement of one's character, the peace of having one's burden removed or otherwise; no one having walk with Elohim does not change. Peter was changed, John was changed, everyone who ever met with Yeshua was changed.

[Act 4:13] Now when they saw the boldness of Kepha and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Yeshua.

[Luk 19:8] And Zacchehu stood, and said unto Yeshua; Behold, Rabbi, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold.

Change I believe, is a mark of a Christian. We are called after all to move from glory to glory, from faith to faith, and from strength to strength. And it is in this time that I am beginning to see change, whether for good or for bad I do not know but change nonetheless. Everyone is changing now and it amazes me to see the working of the Holy Spirit in each of our lives individually and corporately. We might tend to butt heads every now and then but together we are being built for a eternal household of Elohim. That is once again, something to give thanks about. Praise Yahweh for that.

[1Pe 2:5] Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to יהוה by Yeshua the Messiah.

Anyways, for me the future appears uncertain. But then again, I'm not one to really rely on all these things like planning ahead; though I do plan many a times. In the end, what Yahweh does in the moment is better, far better than what I had planned and envisioned. He lights my path so that I see not the end of the tunnel but just the step ahead.

[Pro 16:9] A man's heart deviseth his way: but יהוה directeth his steps.

Everyday is not mine but Yeshua's because as I live is no longer I but Messiah in me Who lives and gives me new being. How exciting it is to be able to live the days of the Lord.

[Psa 74:16] The day is Thine, the night also is Thine: Thou hast prepared the light and the sun.

-Monday, 20th March 2017, 1 year 6 months 13 days, 2320

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