Sunday 28 May 2017

Silent Path

I'm still awake at this time and hour. Considering what is awaiting for me in the early morning I have nothing to really say except that this is a pleasure indeed. As I've said before Yahweh is causing me to see the 24 hours each day as they are. They don't just fly by though they do, but I have been given every and all opportunity to seek Yahweh at the cost of my sleep and that I find is a sacrifice worth undertaking. Because the end results far exceeds what I go through in the moment. Anyways, with this I do believe that the Chinese version of the latest album "On Earth As It Is In Heaven" is officially done. More than that, I found time and a quiet place to just read more of the Bible. To eat, and to sustain for future days.

I truly want to give thanks to the Lord Yeshua for thus far leading me in His path and perfecting that which concerns me. I found that though there may be many things that I want, in His presence I found myself to desire nothing save He Himself. When I am confronted with His goodness and His presence, I am always found boggled because all that I want and intend to bring before Him fades away like wisps. Yeshua brings me into a place where I see that all that I want is met and all I need is fulfilled when I have Him. Because in the end, first it is Him and then everything else follows suit. I truly am privileged. To be able to abide in His house all my days and to continuously bask myself in His presence changes me in ways I sometimes do not see taking place. It's only when the time comes for the Word to bear fruit in my life then will I truly know whether I am thus far walking in the Spirit or no.

For me it's still a time of silent contemplation of many things. And I do believe that won't be changing for quite sometime because I find such answers in the solace with Elohim in the Spirit. Many things are taking place in my life and now I find that the only course of action is taking no action but instead to enter the secret place of the Most High. It's there where I can meet the Most High and everything shall be met.

[Psa 138:8] יהוה will perfect that which concerneth me: Thy mercy, O יהוה, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of Thine own hands.

The road I'm personally taking now, no one can follow. However the road is open to all to traverse, though it be a silent road. Just like how we all have a singular goal to reach the peak of the mountain, there are many ways to get there, many paths to take. This is just the road that the Holy Spirit as I believe is taking me on. And I quite enjoy this road. There is of course a need for the whole body of Messiah, however there will come a time where it there will be no one but just you and Yahweh. What then? If there is no cultivation of a personal relationship with Him and only one of a corporate relationship as the ecumenical body of Messiah then how will we stand? No one can go to our own cross on our behalf, it is our death but also our new life awaiting us after death. It's a road we all must take and so why not begin now? It'll only add to us in future times.

-Monday, 29th May 2017, 1 year 8 months 22 days, 0514

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