Thursday 25 May 2017

Rest at Work

These past few days have been yet a time where I have been just contemplating about many things but mainly I realise now that Yahweh is doing a great work as I remain quiet and distance myself from the hustle and bustle of daily life. That is not to say exclude myself like a hermit in my room continuously but rather learning to just talk less and enjoying the atmosphere around me more. I've also found that it has become much more pleasurable for me to be able to commune with Elohim when I'm by myself or rather when I'm in a state of quietude with Him.

I've realised something, Yahweh has been adding to me daily though I may not have noticed it. Just recently as I was talking to brother Koh about the work I needed to do for the coming day, he commented that almost everyone has something for me to do. And when he said that (Not exactly that because I've forgotten it, but something along that line. The reader will get the gist) it clicked to me. Yahweh is adding to me, both physically and spiritually through this time of solace and quietness with Him. And I realised that in this time there is no need for me to feel as if something is happening, because what the Holy Spirit does in my life is past feeling, past seeing, and past finding out until He reveals it to me.

I realised that much work has been added unto me and yet the burden of it has not been added. The weight of it is not on me simply because I realised long ago that it is not mine to bear. This work which has been given to me is of the Lord Yeshua Messiah. And as such He will carry me through it. All I have to do on my part is to walk into and through that which He has prepared for me beforehand.

[Eph 2:10] For we are His workmanship, created in the Messiah Yeshua unto good works, which יהוה hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

The work which I am doing now is indeed plenty, however it is not of me to fulfil it. The work, the desire, and even the means to fulfil it is of Elohim Who shall indeed confirm His Word in and through me. Thus, on my part is no pressure at all whatsoever. In fact, all of the work given to me I thoroughly enjoy it because through them I find what is lacking and add it to myself, I find what I need improvement upon, and I find what I have some measure of skill and capabilities in.

[Phi 2:13] For it is יהוה which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.

I am also beginning to enjoy my 24 hours each day. I find that I have the liberty to seek Yahweh at any and all given time in the day, of course it comes at the cost of my sleep but in the end such things can always be caught up on. Hearing what Pastor Jean shared on Sunday at City Revival Centre, I felt fired up. Something changed, more so because now I find myself drawn to read the Word of Elohim more than I already am reading and I find that I can just enjoy myself in the house of Yahweh. Any time I can come into the sanctuary to just be in His presence and I find that I am thoroughly enjoying myself here in Glory Place. That is not to say that the previous year and a half had not been enjoyable but rather now I'm enjoying my residence here in His house in a different way. It took a renewing of the mind and that matte will spread on into yet another topic altogether.

Suffice it to say that now, a new season of Yahweh is here now and it is a much more quieter season than previous ones. It's going to be quite the interesting season no doubt.

-Friday, 26th May 2017, 1 year 8 months 19 days, 0056

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